Chapter 18: Dust

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Hours pasted and nothing much had changed. I was still tied up, with the site of Jack still lying on the ground praying on my every glance. J was now tied up to, next to Jack. He hasn’t spoken to me, or anyone. But I can see the words in his eyes. His pleas for help and cries for forgiveness drowning in his dark muddy eyes. But I can’t forgive him. He’s not worth it.

“Now,” Mr Black said, after hours of silent thoughts, turning back to me. “Now that Evan been captured, and the rest of his group are already dead, there is no need for you either.” I didn’t reply, knowing for sure that whatever I say will be used against me. “But no, let’s not kill you straight away. How about we play a little game first!” His tone toyed with my emotions as he skipped happily across the room. “How about we play, execution. And first we will have,” He paused and smiled at us both. “The execution of little Jack Barns.” My face suddenly exploded with anger and fear.

“No! Please! Don’t kill him, kill me instead just let him go!” I shouted in sudden panic. He can’t kill Jack! It would destroy my mum and dad. Especially if I made it back in one piece and they found it was all my fault. No, I can’t let him.

“Oh how sweet. A big sister willing to give her life for her dear little brother. But is it really worth it?” He paused, and took a slow, deep, and merciless breath. He wouldn’t care if the world burnt to ashes if he and his sinister crew weren’t harmed. I didn’t answer.

“Ali.” A small cry suddenly sounded from the other side of the room. It was Jack.

“Jack!” I leapt up so fast it was as if my reflexes had suddenly kicked in. But I found I couldn’t even stand properly without tripping against the iron chains that still held me tight.

“No, it’s not worth it, let me die. I’m not worth it anymore.” His voice trembled and was greeted by a flow of coughs and stutters.

“No, don’t say that. You are. Look I’m sorry about who I treat you sometimes. Even though you mostly deserve it.” He gave a slight laugh.

“I’m sorry to.” I smiled just as a tear escaped from my eye.

“Arr isn’t that nice. A brother and sister settle their differences moments before death. How lovely.” He stopped using his sad cruel face and stood up tall. Clapping his hands he continued. “Prepare for the execution.”

“No! Please!” He leant down, too close for my liking, and held a knife to my throat.

“Not a peep out of you or I kill Evan to. Right in front of your eyes. Do you understand?” His words were threatening and twisted. I simply nodded in reply. “Good. Guards, prepare for the execution.”

They grabbed Jack and carried him away. But I knew they’d be back. They’d kill him somewhere where I can witness it. I wondered how they would kill him But then, how else, with a single tear.

As everyone departed from the room after Mr Black, only me and J were left. I said nothing to him. He didn’t deserve my pity. It’s his fault that Jack’s going to die, and probably me as well. Then he’ll probably get killed after us. Our three lives wasted because of his stupid mistake.

“Look Ali.” J suddenly spoke. I didn’t reply. I’m not talking to him ever again. Which considering my death will probably be around in the next hour or so is it highly possible. “Ali, I never wanted this to happen.” I looked down and didn’t answer that attempt either. In the end he gave up and looked away himself. More tears were forming in my eyes; I kept my head low and out of sight until the door opened. Mr Black, Jack, and the guards appeared again.

They brought with them various bits of equipment that I knew would be used in some way. They put down a fairly small wooden chair in the centre of the room and tied straps to the legs. I knew at once what it was. The execution chair. Put in a place for everyone’s viewing. They also assembled a bright light hanging above at the spot above the chair.

“Now then.” Mr Black’s voice echoed through the small room. It was so strong and mighty that the power of it almost seemed to make the wall shudder. “Bring in the victim.” He bellowed his voice into the corridor. Giving the guards their signals to bring Jack back in.

He was still chained up and couldn’t walk properly. I’ve never seen him like this before. So weak, so hopeless. Like his life energy is slowly being drained and is now starting to show. What have they done to him?

Slumped onto the chair Jack’s head hung heavy on his shoulder. But even so, I could still his eyes. He knew we were beyond help now. Then suddenly he looked up, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he looked at me as if to say, tell mum and dad I love them. Maybe he knew it to, this is the end. There’s no way out and no turning back. We’re stuck here and will soon die here to.

Tears were uncontrollably now pelting downs my cheeks. It doesn’t matter if I cry here, does it? But as soon as this trembling thought caught back up with me I stopped them falling and other ones forming.

“Ah not so fast Ali. Remember, no tears. Or it will be you that’s killing him.” I knew immediately what I can and can’t do. And it would be the hardest thing of all. At least I found out before it was too late. “Now, everyone.” He summoned everyone in to take their seats. Hah he no heart? “Say you last goodbyes, before we start.

So we’re back to the start, or end depending on how you look at it. Maybe I’m right and this is the end. But I never thought it would end like this, as I said, in a world that I thought was different. But I have no choice, not anymore. No. It could happen any moment, in this dark place. Any minute now, Jack will die.

Mr Black stood in front of him. His gaze and focus glued on Jack. “Let’s finish with you.” His words filled with fury and disgust. I know he’s going to enjoy this. He’s gathering his tears right now.

“No.” I pleaded quietly to myself.

“Say goodbye Ali.” And just like that, he released a tear that was travelling to the ground. As soon as it touches it, Jack will be dead.

“No!” They louder cry was from behind me. It was J. All most a split second after Mr Black had done so, J released a tear of his own. If his hit first then Mr Black would die. And if not, then J would.

Slumbering and coughing Jack released himself and ran to my side. He was free, and out of glance. He was safe, for now. I hugged him ferociously for the first time in years. I’ve never been so happy to be alive. My attention quickly whipped back to J and Mr Black. It felt like slow motion as neither had hit yet. Neither had caused death. Not yet at least. Suddenly as one hit the floor, a giant spark filled the room, blinding everyone in sight. But who’s had hit first? And who didn’t survive?

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