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Cheryl's POV
I've decided to invite the girls over this evening for a well needed catchup as all of our schedules have been hectic this past week, so we haven't gotten to see much of each other.
I'm wearing a long sleeved grey crop top, my favourite burgundy skater skirt and pain black tights. I've straightened my hair and applied minimal makeup because it's only the girls coming over, who am I supposed to be impressing here?

The doorbell rings 15 minutes before I asked the girls to be here, so I can only guess it's Kimberley - the ever so early geek of the band. Secretly I like it when she gets here early, because it gives us a chance to catch up before there's alcohol down our necks or we're all participating in some kind of activity involving alcohol. I love all the girls but Kimba and us, well, we get on really well like we are soul mates, we tell each other anything and everything.
"KIMBA!!" I screech as I open the door to engulf me Kimba bear in a bone crushing hug. She's wearing a pair of jeggings with a chunky sky blue jumper matched with the same colour heels.
"CHEZZABELLE!!" She teases back whilst placing her handbag down and closing the door gently with her foot.
"How've you been pet? I've missed you tons!" We exchange greetings whilst making our way to the living room to sit down.
"Aw you know, same old, and it's only been a week Chez!"
"Are you telling me you haven't missed us then? A week is a long time for us, we normally see each other everyday."
"I know I'm just teasing you, of course I've missed you! Especially our deep talks!!"
"Shut up Kim! They're embarrassing! You're lucky I even share some things with you, sometimes I feel like you're going to tell the others some of the things I say." I playfully smack her on the arm,
"Of course I wouldn't! I promised you I wouldn't and I meant it Cheryl, your embarrassing stories are stuck with me I'm afraid." She laughs gently, as I end up giggling as we remember some of the things we've told each other.
The sound of the doorbell goes, interrupting our conversation as we both rush to the door to invite our guest in, only to be greeted with two. "NADS! NIC!" We both shout into their faces to be returned with our own names.
"CHEZZA! KIMBA!" We all end up in a group hug half on the doorstep, half in the doorway. Nadine is wearing grey skinny jeans with a burgundy short-sleeved but oversized baseball shirt with burgundy heels to match. Whereas Nicola has opted for leggings and a black jumper with a print across paired with black heels.
"No Sarah yet?" Nadine asks in her strong Irish tone.
"Course not babe, we are talking about Half Hour Harding here!" I answer making the others giggle. Everyone knows about Sarah's usual lateness which happens a lot more often than it should, giving her the rightful title. "Well are yous gonna come in or should we carry on this conversation on the doorstep?" I tease Nads and Nic as Kimberley laughs behind us.
We all settle down on our usual spots on my corner suite, Kimba in one corner, next to us, then Nadine, leaving Nicola in the other corner, saving Sarah her own single chair as she likes to take up all the room. "So, how have yous been?" Nadine asks politely in her strong accent.
"You know same old, same old." I answer back.
"Yeah just usual work stuff, meetings and all that." Kimba answers. "How about you girls, we haven't seen each other in a while have we?"
"I went back home for a bit to see Mum, Dad and the siblings, that's not really interesting though is it?" Nicola pipes up first.
"Nah course it is Nic, it's nice to see your family every once in a while!" I tell her, reminding me to arrange a date with me mam to come visit us soon. "How about you Nads?"
"Aye ya know tending to the bar back in LA, I only just landed here on Wednesday!" She answers ever so dramtically, definitely the Nadine we know. As I'm about to comment on how dramatic she is, the doorbell goes silencing me from doing so.
"Hardcore's here!!" We all scream together, falling into a fit of laughter suddenly forgetting Sarah at the door. the doorbell goes again awakening us from our moment.
"I'm coming Jesus, calm down mate!" I shout playfully at the door not knowing if she can hear me or not.
"Bloody hell you took your time, what were you doing!" Sarah moans at me.
"Hello to you to gorgeous, you look hot tonight." I sarcastically throw back. She's wearing leather disco pants, a black vest top and a leather jacket paired with black heels.
"When do I not?! I joke, I joke! Good to see you too chic, you look so cute in your little skirt." She says back a little slurred, I pretty sure she's already had a bit to drink already, not unusal.
"Thanks gal, come in already I'm bloody freezing standing here!" I say.
"You're the one that's inside so shhh. Ooh I almost forgot, look what I brought with me!!" She holds up probably the biggest bottle of vodka I've ever seen. "We're doing shots Chezza baby!!" She screams in my ear, as I groan in complete agony. Let the night commence.

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