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<Y/n p.o.v.>

I woke up to R3 again.

I got up, got changed, then went to training.

As of where I will be training, I decided to do the Emerald forest, it was teaming with Grimm.

I began looking around.

As I was looking around I discovered some ruins.

Ruby told me this was where her initiation started.

Speaking of which...I saw her and her friends arrive.

"Why are you here" I asked.

"Well we're friends aren't we...and friends don't leave each other behind" Nora said.

"Yeah ok...I need a really big Grimm" I said.

"NORA IS ON THE CASE" Nora shouted as she ran into the forest.

After a few seconds I heard explosions and roaring.

We then saw her fly out of the forest and back to us.

"Found one" She said.

Out came a giant Snake with two heads.

"Yep seems about right" I said.

I charged at it.

It slithered towards me.

The Snake tried to bite me.

I flipped and began slicing at it's head.

Once it fell off the other head began constricting me.

I threw my lightsaber in the air.

As the snake was about to eat me...


The lightsaber sliced it's head clean off.

Once it turned into ash we heard a lot of roaring.

We turned around and saw a massive pack of Beowulfs.

I then charged at them.

I began slicing them up.

Everyone was impressed.

It took a while, but I killed them all.

Once I finished I felt satisfied with my efforts.

Everyone was looking in awe.

"'s next" I said.


A flock of Nevermores appeared.

"Excellent" I said.

I charged at the first one.

It tried to attack me, but I countered it's strikes.

The Nevermore tried to fly away, I jumped on it's back.

The other Nevermore followed.

One of them tried shooting feathers at me.

Instead they stabbed the Nevermore I was riding.

I jumped at the head of another Nevermore.

As it tried shaking me off I pulled out my lightsaber and stabbed it's head multiple times.

The last Nevermore sped into me and slammed me into the side of the temple.

As it headed towards me I force pushed some rocks at it.

It began crashing down.

As it did I backflipped and sliced it in half, from head to tailfeathers.

Male Jedi reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now