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The two went to see Brendon that night, Brendon instantly tried kicking them out but the two refused to leave until Dallon told Ryan that he should probably leave so he can have a one on one conversation with the broken boy.

It went rather well, it was a lot of Dallon apologizing and lots of hugging and sitting in silence. Dal didn't mind it, he just wants Brendon to feel better and not hate him.

That night they all went to sleep with no problems, everyone was sound asleep, it was the best sleep Brendon has gotten in ages.

Dallon wakes up and lets out a groan. He reaches out to grab Ryan to cuddle him but no one is there. He bolt up and stares at the empty bed he's lying in. Dal looks at the clock, it's only 8:02, no way Ryan is up before him.

The fallen one gets out of bed, his wings wrap around his body to keep him warm. Dallon opens his bedroom door and peaks into the hallway. He quietly creeps out of the room into the kitchen but no one is there, he checks the bathroom, no one is there. He checks every single room except Brendon's.

Dal's heartbeat increases and he bursts into Brendon's room. The human groan quietly and pulls the blanket up over his head.

"Have you seen Ryan? He's gone! I can't find him anywhere!" Dallon asks. Brendon glances at the clock and lets out a groan, he pulls the blanket down and sits up, he rubs his eye tiredly.


"Ryan! He's missing!" Dallon shouts. Brendon just sits there, looking dead as hell. Dallon glares at him as if Brendon knew where his missing boyfriend is.

"What the fuck are you coming to me for? I don't know where your blue boy is," Brendon says while yawning, he stretches.

Suddenly Dallon leaps at Brendon, he hovers over him, gripping his shoulders tightly and staring into his eyes with an evil look.

"Where the fuck is he?!" Dallon shouts loudly. Brendon freezes in place, he stares up at Dallon in fear.

His eyes, they're black. Pitch black. His whole eyeball is black.


"Where the fuck is he!" Dallon screams at Brendon.

"What the fuck is happening to you!" Brendon yells. He shoves Dallon off and gets off the bed. He glares at the angel.

"You are fucking sick! Your eyes Dallon! They're black! And you just fucking attacked me! Get the fuck out of my room!" Brendon yells at the fallen angel. Dallon freezes, his black eyes slowly fade back into his original blue/grey colour.

Dallon starts shaking and his wings turn a shade darker. He looks at them and frowns. The room lights start to flicker and all source of light disappears for a few seconds before a dim one appears.

"Dallon, you're becoming more of a fallen angel," Gerard says. Dallon stares at the vampire in disbelief.

"N-No, I cant be," he whispers quietly while staring down at the ground.

"Yes! Your eyes went black, you were even swearing, the Dallon we know doesn't shout FUCKING as loud as he can! Your wings, they're darker. You weren't yourself a few seconds ago, next your teeth are going to sharpen, you're becoming a real fallen angel," Gerard argues. He's seen fallen angels go mad, they all start out all innocent and slowly start sinning, some take longer than others.

But Dallon, he's moving. Having outbursts is part of becoming more fallen, you can't control your emotions.

Dallon sits there in silence, the two stare at him, waiting for him to start screaming, waiting for him to make a move. But he doesn't.

Instead he raises his head with tears in his eyes and whispers, "where's Ryan?"

"I don't know where he is," Brendon replies truthfully. He has no clue where the blue haired angel would've gone. Where would he go on his own? Why would be leave Dallon?

"We wouldn't just bail, he sure as hell doesn't take walks so he can't be out of the house, where is he then?" Dallon asks. Gerard shrugs his shoulders and Brendon does the same.

"I know none of the guys would do anything, have you been talking to any of us fucked up sinners about Ryan?" Gerard asks, hoping he gets a lead on about where the angel went.

"N-No, I haven't talked to- oooh," Brendon goes quiet. He leans against the wall and begins fiddling with his fingers.

"Oh?!" Dallon shouts, he walks up to Brendon, his wings stretched out, it's almost as if they made him bigger as well.

"Well uh, Tyler- he uh, he can't exactly read my thoughts can he?" Brendon asks nervously.

"Well, I mean like..." Gerard whispers.

"Okay, Uh, I never said this out loud... but I may or may not have thought about Tyler... killing him," Brendon confesses. Dallon's face goes white.

He talked to Tyler the night before and now he's killing his boyfriend. Good one Tyler, good fucking one!

"But! But- maybe he didn't! Maybe he didn't, maybe Ryan left, it's possible. Maybe he's back up there with the big man himself!" Brendon jokes, trying to lighten the mood a bit. Dallon rolls his eyes rudely.

"Take me to Tyler," Dallon orders. There's clearly something wrong with Dallon, he'd never go ahead and talk to Tyler when there's a chance Blurry could take control and rip him to shreds.

Dallon would never swear, he'd never hurt Brendon, he'd never yell. Who the fuck is this and what did they do to the real Dallon?

"Are you fucking crazy?! No I will not take you to Tyler!" Gerard shouts. Dallon sends death glares at him, his eyes turning black again.

"No! Fuck off Dallon, even I see that you aren't yourself, go back to sleep and maybe you'll feel better, then maybe I'll take you!" Gerard argues. Dallon lets out an angry scream before walking away and slamming the door shut behind him.

Brendon walks over to the bed and sits down. He stares down at his feet.

"He's different... a-and I don't like it," Brendon whispers quietly. Gee sits next to him and places a cold dead hand onto his back.

"It'll ware off eventually. When they're becoming their worst enemy they tend to have mood swings," Gerard reassures him. Brendon's never scared, it's rare for him to be scared. But fuck, Dal is creeping him out.

"Did you kill Ryan?" Gerard blurts out. Brendon shakes his head no.

"No, I wanted him dead metaphorically, never... really dead," Brendon whispers quietly. Gee nods his head.

"We'll figure it out."

Fallen Angel •Brallon•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें