A ghost?

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Yibo didn't move for a few minutes.
"Where did he go?"

"He was just there... I didn't hear any sounds or anything."

"He was ghost.. sure ghost..or why he vanished when the light came? Or it's not for the light, but something else!"

"But if he will vanish like this then why he asked for opening the window?"

"He probably didn't expect that he will vanish."

"Still these doesn't make sense."

Lots of questions came to his mind but no answer.
Yibo searched him in other rooms but he nowhere can be seen.

"Is he tried to scare me?"

"But why?"

"What if he is a local people, came to bully a newcomer."

Yibo can't think any more. He was feeling so uneasy.

"Is it hallucinations? I need some air" he thought and left the room.

"So many headaches on the first day! Should I talk to the landlady? Nah! It's not a good idea. Let's look around. I don't have any prove, they will think, I'm a lunatic.

He didn't do anything to me. He wasn't scary. And he didn't try to harm me. So it probably oky to stay here. " Yibo thought while coming down from the stairs.

Yibo went outside. It's a place of beautiful scenery. This place was separated by hills from other parts. But this place has good transportation routes with nearby towns as people here have the business of silks. They need to go to many places and towns.
Yibo's university was in next town, It's easier to go to university from here than his home-town. Living in the city was a bit tough. Things were costly and not enough rooms were available. So he was staying here.

Yibo was wandering around. The weather was really nice here. He felt better. His university class will start from tomorrow. Today he is free.

The people did not seem that evil who could try to bully him. They seemed peaceful ordinary person.
It was not a big place. Most of the people know each other. As he was new here, he could feel everyone's gaze.
His belly made a sound to alert him that it needs some food.

"Tsk! I'm hungry. I still have lots to do in the new room. I don't know to whom I can ask about my experience..I don't want them to treat me as a mad man. I have to live here..sigh"

He saw a small restaurant.. well, it's not a so-called restaurant but a hotel with one wall and a roof for eating.
He went in. The owner welcomed him with a smile.

"Are you new here, mister ?" He asked.

"Yes, I just moved here," Yibo said politely.

"Please take a seat. Where are you staying? Who was with you?" He asked again.

"D*mn, so many questions!!! Why he needs all of these anyway?" Yibo thought inside but didn't show his unpleasant mood on his face.

He replied to his answers but the questions kept on coming.

Yibo once thought to leave the place. But it will be impolite. At that moment they served him hot yummy food.

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