She had never seen him get this way before... sure hes gone into cat mode a couple of times around her but nothing like this.

"Gah...!" Tyler fell to the ground, covering his face With his hands. Stampy has stretched his square across the face, his sweatband fell beside him, having been ripped in half.

"T-Tyler!" Jason's grip slightly loosened as he turned to face his friend, his eyes lighting up in fear.

"CUT. IT. OUT!" Jason nearly screamed, using all of his strength to pull Stampy back so that he could put him in a hold. His arm wrapped around his upper torso while the other tried to pull Stampy's hands back.

Mitch and Jerome watched in fear, wanting to help but knowing that it would only anger Stampy more.

Stampy hissed and tried to get free from Jason but didn't scratch at him.

Sqaishey moved forward. "Stampy, please. You need to calm down. Its okay..." she tried to help Jason calm him down and moved in front of Stampy and drew his attention. She carefully reached up and starting petting his hair.

Stampy was starting to shake and was still hissing a bit but was calming down as Sqaishey pet him and she spoke calmly to him. "Hey, its okay... take deep breaths... it's okay... " she coaxed as he finally calmed down enough where he wasn't struggling against Jason and not long after, blacked out and went limp.

Sqaishey gasped and helped catch him and Jordan moved forward to help as well.

Jason stood back in terror, horrified at what he had just witnessed. He panicked and ran to Tyler, squatting down beside him. Mitch and Jerome joined him.

"T-Tyler...?" Jason held out a hand.

Tyler's whole body shook, his hands still covering his face. He didn't speak and only shook his head.

"Dude, what just happened?!" Jerome exclaimed.

"I don't know..." Jason frowned.

Mitch noticed the small bits of blood dripping from between Tyler's fingers. "I'm gonna go grab my med kit, I'll be right back!" He ran inside the log cabin.

Sqaishey looked over, tears in her eyes as she let Jordan help her lower Stampy to lay on the ground. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into him... I've never seen him go off like that before..." she explained to them all as she sat beside him.

"Captain, are you alright?" Stella's voice asked, laced with concern.

Jordan glanced over and started to answer before remembering she was talking to Jason and gave a small sigh and looked down at Stampy's unconscious form.

"Y-Yeah..." Jason stammered. "It's not me who's hurt..." He stayed sitting across from Tyler, hands trembling as he held the other's arms. Though he was unharmed he had a strange stinging on his face, as if he had been cut just as Tyler had.

Mitch ran back outside with a white shulker in his arms, he placed it down and rummaged around in it, pulling out some cloth and potions. Jason hesitated for a bit before pulling Tyler's hands away from his face.

Scared eyes looked up at him, the grey seeming duller than usual but were luckily unscratched. The cut wasn't too deep, but ran across his entire face, blood dripping down.

Sqaishey felt sick to her stomach when she saw the damage and quickly looked away.

Jordan let Mitch and Jerome handle the doctoring part and stayed near Stampy incase he woke up and lashed out again.

Mitch gently wiped the blood off of Tyler's face, him flinching with every move.

Jason kept exchanging nervous looks with Jordan, staring back down at Stampy's unconscious body.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now