The talk.

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Damian’s POV

“Sky I need to tell you something.” I whispered to her turning over onto my side. We were all huddled around a campfire now miles away from the institute, Salem and Kuryen had already fallen asleep so I decided to take my chance and talk to Sky well we had a bit of privacy.

“What would that be?” she asked sleepily not even bothering to open her eyes.

“You know when Kuryen and I came into the institute we had a thing but it wasn’t serious right?” I asked wanting to close my own eyes and sleep.

“Ya so?” she mumbled sounding like she was getting a bit annoyed; better make this quick.

“Well I have set my eyes on someone else.” I murmur looking at her face.

“Well good for her.” Sky said grumpily.

“No I don’t think you get it Sky, I like you. I really like you.” I say slowly hoping it registers in her head before she falls asleep. I close my eyes not wanting to hear her rejection. After not hearing her response and I figure she has fallen asleep I open one eye to find her wide eyes fixed on my face.

“Damain?” she said her face breaking into a smile and leaning closer to me “Kiss me.” She whispered in my ear. I didn’t give her enough time to change her mind, when my lips touched hers it felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. It felt like every limb was detached from my torso and electric currents ran through me and gave me shivers down my spine. I let my lounge run over her bottom lip begging for entrance, she parted her lips slightly and I slipped my tongue into her mouth and started to explore. After a few minutes of both or us fighting for dominance I finally won. When we pulled away from the kiss we were both breathless….

I woke up in a cold sweat and breathing heavy, I sat up resting my hands on my knees and hanging my head between my legs; that’s the fourth night in a row I have had the same dream I think to myself pushing my hair back. There is a sleeping Kuryen to my right and a snoring Sky to my left, Salem is sleeping across from us curled up in a ball under his jacket. When I look at Kuryen I see all my childhood, pre-teen and most of my teenage years and memories just looking at her; this is the only person who knows my own past better then I even do. When I look at her I see my past. I pause before looking over the Sky, a girl I hardly know; although when I look at her sleeping serene face and hear her soft snores I see what I want in my future. Before my brain explodes I stop thinking and flop back in between the two people that mean the most in the world me. Before I could fall back asleep my mom and it immediately made my eyes prickle with tears, wiping at my eyes doesn’t seem to help the tears are coming to fast to stop them. I hope for the best and hope Sky doesn’t wake up to see me bawling my eyes out. Right in the middle of my full on cry feast I feel turning beside me but I don’t bother to see who it is, I just hope it’s not her I think to myself.

“Oh Damian.” I hear in my ear and I feel a warm body wrap around me, I take in the familiar girl scent of Kuryen. I don’t even take the time to bother checking it’s her because as soon as I grab her into a tight hug I know it’s her. I cry into her shoulder silently until my tears are gone, I feel like a wimp and as if I shouldn’t be crying but no matter what I do I can’t stop till I’m all dried out. When I pull away from her hug and see her with a small smile and sad eyes which sends questions rushing through my head, before I can ask anything she gives out a small sad chuckle.

“You’re a lot stronger than me Damian, when my parents died I was a wreck for a year. But not you; you stayed strong. You stayed strong for me, so I could get what I wanted; it’s my fault that it is so hard on you now.” She whispered looking at the ground. I don’t know how she read my mind but she did.

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