Chapter 6

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-3 weeks later
-Lizzie's PoV
Okay, since we moved in me and Jennifer have gotten to know a lot more about each other and it's just making us better friends. We meet up with Danny and Paul nearly every day now. It's like we've known each other all our lives. We tell each other everything that's going on and talking really helps. I just really feel close with them. Especially Danny. I like him a lot, well honestly I think it's more than a lot, it's... I don't know. Honestly, don't quote me on this. But I think I love him.

-Danny's PoV
Jennifer and Lizzie are the best. When I feel down I honestly believe I can tell them everything. But me and Paul are best friends and I will never let anything get by that. But there's something about Lizzie that really makes her stand out from all the other girls I know. (If I knew any girls). It's just the way when she walks in the room, especially when she has her long blonde hair out flowing, messy and curly. I think she's beautiful. Actually... Don't quote me on this. But I think I love her...

-Lizzie's PoV
"Jennnnn," I call, "is it weird that I love Danny?" I clasp my hand to my mouth. I shouldn't have said that.
"Wait you what?" She runs in
"Oh nothing..." I say. I try to change the subject but fail.
"You said something... About you LOVING Danny. What's that about? You guys are only 16!"
"Nah... I don't know what I'm thinking." When i say that I speak the truth. I honestly don't know what I'm thinking. I'm 16. Not an adult yet. Not old enough to make these decisions. Grrrrrrrrrr. Why can't life be simple? I wish he knew how I feel.

-Danny's PoV
... I mean. She looks nice every day and when she laughs she looks so adorable as if she just wants me to run up to her and cuddle her until morning. I want this so bad. Not sex or anything. Just to talk all night long just us two, No one else. And then... I really need to stop thinking like this. I wish she knew how I feel.

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