...In short, I quite liked being seen as a cute girl.

"Thank you...," I shyly answered.

"No, she's still 8, and I don't plan on engaging her that fast," Dad quickly dispelled the thought of my engagement.


I'm happy though, since this family of mine never really urged me to be engaged to this one or that one, or be the queen in the future. Took such a heavy load off my shoulders.

"Congratulations on turning eight."

A familiar voice. A familiar face.

My "younger brother", Domi.

"Thank you, Domi-san!" I smiled back at him.

I'm 8 years old now, which means he should be 19 years old.

Speaking of which...

I wonder if Domi's engaged? Will he get married soon?

...but I don't know how I can ask him that... It's too weird... or is it not?

"Uhm, Domi-san, Domi-san..."

Seeing how Father and Mother were not around Domi and how Mom and Dad were also not standing close to me, also judging from where they were at, they won't be able to hear us... I decided to ask.

"Earlier, someone asked me if I've already had an engagement settled. Is it normal for someone my age to be engaged? What about Domi-san?"

...Nothing suspicious, right? Hehe, it's perfect!

......Okay, I admit, I'm still quite nervous asking him this out of the blue.

Look, Domi flashed a hint of surprise for a moment on his face! And yep, I'm quite observant, huh?

"...Well, it's not weird for nobles like us to begin talking about engagement from your age. It depends on the family. I have been engaged since I was young."

Still, he gave a precise answer, without any extra words or superfluous ones.

"Eh, really? T-then, will you get married soon?"

"Not that soon."

Oh, most likely, his fiancee was someone younger, so he had to wait for her... or that there were other matters to think of...?

Regardless, I know I'm in no position to ask about things like that.

"Hee... Will you invite me when you get married?"

...Wait, wait, this seems awkward!

"I-I want to see a wedding ceremony!" I quickly added.

"Your family will definitely get an invitation, alright?" Domi answered as he slightly smiled.

Well, sorry for forgetting that! Yep, my family will definitely get notified anyway! Is this the benefit of being born as a noble as well? Hahaha...

Before I got to ask more questions, Father and Mother had already arrived near us, apparently ready to congratulate me. When I took a quick glance, I saw Kania-san being with... uh, Ein. No wonder, I guess? She was near Father and Mother at the beginning of the party, though.

Anyway, the rest of the questions that I didn't get to say were questions that I shouldn't ask... Like...

Have you ever met your fiancee before? Did you like her or is it a pure political engagement? Who is your fiancee? What kind of girl is she?

...Yep, totally out of the line.

Shouldn't ask those questions. I know.

"Congratulations on turning eight. May you bring honor to your family name," Father congratulated me with words that... totally sounded like him.

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