37 | chapter thirty-seven

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Nash is in line to be the next Alpha.

I freaked out so hard when Nash sat me down and asked how I'd feel if I became his Luna. Of course I was nervous, my anxiety had gotten the better of me, but I knew that if this was what Nash wanted then that's what I would want to. Despite how Nash adamantly refused the position, loathed it with every inch of his being and spat on the idea entirely, the look in his eyes let me know that he wanted to be an Alpha.

He had the blood inside him that he couldn't deny even if he tried to. What came as a bigger shock to me was that Nash wanted to build his own pack on a territory of his own. He didn't want to become an Alpha of a pack filled with people who still didn't care for Elliot and looked down on Nash and I because we were faggots.

'We've held our lips shut when Elijah was mated to Elliot because we had hope that his offspring would give us a female Luna but now there are a bunch of fucking faggots again,' came the words of the majority of members from the pack. Elijah knew all too well himself how judgmental, ignorant, and disrespectful his own pack was but had the responsibility passed down onto him to continue the legacy of the pack so he couldn't abandon them even if he wanted to but he knew that he couldn't force his son to do the same.

In that moment when Elijah depicted how important Nash's feelings and emotions were to him and how much he respected Nash, Nash had that look in his eyes that let me know that a switch was flipped. I began to see any hostility towards Elijah melt away completely as if it were never there to begin with. Like a clean slate had been formed.

Ever since then, Elijah and Nash have been working together to give instruction and demands to some of the warriors in his pack as well as warriors from the Blue Moon Pack who offered to help because the Silver Moon Pack were not in favor of Nash being an Alpha of any kind. When the question of who would become the members of Nash's pack came up, Nash expressed how he wanted a small pack that would grow as time went on.

A meeting was held only two weeks ago and the elders of The Silver Moon Pack criticized Nash and mocked his efforts with claims that he'd have no pack members but they were proven wrong as Hazel, Easton, Aiden, Archer (Kai and Declans kids), Eros, Xander (Finnick and Aiden's kids), Kaylee (Vera and Marcus's daughter), Hunter (Alecs son and Hazels mate), Xavier (May and Chris's son), and surprisingly Caspian as well had barged in abruptly.

They declared to the people in the room of people holding elders from the Silver Creek Pack, Elijah, Elliot, Nash, Killian, Finnick, Declan, Kai, May, Chris, Vera, Marcus, Alec, and elders of the Blue Moon Pack that they would be formally moving to Nash's pack.

The look on the elders of The Silver Creek pack was completely priceless, so priceless that I had to cover my mouth because the huffing and puffing those old farts were doing made sitting through that three hour meeting worth it. Kai wasn't as conservative as I was with my amusement because he busted into laughter, pointing his fingers at the elders in mock humor.

His mate, Declan, made no efforts to calm his mate down despite how it was deemed to be disrespectful and could ignite war between our two packs. Shortly, that meeting had ended and Nash had thanked everyone who one by one, smiled at him and urged him to 'stuff it in those old fucks faces,' words by Xavier, Xander, and Aiden, when he officially becomes an Alpha.

I can imagine that Jaylin would also join the pack when he comes back from wherever he went off to because he, as well as Xavier, Xander, and Aiden are Nash's closest friends.

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