Svartur: "Y/N, pour as much of your Aura into me as you can!"

You do so and while you're shocked by what happens next, you feel something different as well."

Y/N: "What the

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Y/N: "What the...? Urk!"

Svartur: "You did it kid! Umm... Y/N?"

Y/N: "Time to destroy this Grimm and it regret ever existing!"

Ddraig: "Oh shit." he says bluntly.

You draw your sword and fly past the Leviathan's head, releasing a Getsuga Tenshou at point blank range, killing it. However...

Y/N: "Who's next!?"

Ddraig: "Raven! Neo! Now!"

Ddraig holds your body back to prevent you from moving. Raven and Neo come up to you and Raven punches you in the stomach through the armor. Your ribs weren't fully healed yet, so you felt even more pain. She and Neo hug you gently as you fall unconscious and the black armor breaks.

Back to Present

Y/N: "Remind me, what did you think was going to happen when I activated your Balance Breaker?"

Svartur: "Well, you're my first wielder, so I wasn't sure. I was hoping it'd release some of the build up energy and give you a degree of control over it. Now that you've unlocked it, that's one less thing to worry about."

Y/N: "But I can't use it as we are now due to its effect it has on me. At least we know that... Unfortunately, it pushed the -kill everything- Sorry about that. As I was saying, it pushed the corruption a little."

Svartur: "Don't worry. I know you can defeat it."

Y/N: "I hope so..."

You're awakened from someone disturbing your meditation.

Real World

As your eyes open, Neo is currently straddling your lap with a smile.

Y/N: "Dah!" You realize what's going on. "Neo! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?"

Neo: 'You know you like it.' she types flirtatiously. 'Come on, it's almost one. The harpy's going to be opening her portal here soon.'

Y/N: "I know you don't like her, but Raven saved both of our lives. The least you could do is call her by name."

Neo: 'Whatever you say, my King.'

She pushes her lips into yours and you melt into the kiss. Her kisses always taste like the ice cream her hair is reminiscent of. To be honest, you are enjoying yourself. She releases the kiss and hugs you tight.

Y/N (thoughts): 'You know guys, a thought occurs. Assuming Ruby and Nora are still with Qrow, I'll be tripling the amount of kisses I get."

Ddraig (mentally): 'Probably other things as well.'

With Every Step Forward (Neglected/Abused Boosted Gear Reader x RWBY)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя