Chapter 26: I'm Yours

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I was meant to be yours, all along. Even before we met. 


I rolled over onto my back probably for the third time in ten minutes. I just can't seem to fall asleep. My mind won't let me rest. I want to ask him about those three times he was talking about. I want to remember. I look up at the moon lit ceiling. I don't even know what time it is. Just like he said, we made love all day. We only stopped for naps and snacks. I know I'm going to be limping. No heels for me. After hours of multiple rounds we finally showered and put on clothes. Little to no clothes. I'm in one of his white tees that barely covers half of my butt and panties. He has on boxers and his pajama bottom. I think we used two boxes of condoms. 

"Maya." I hear in the darkness. 

I roll on my side and face him. Even though I can't see him. I can feel his warmth. I feel the bed shift and his barely visible face appears in my vision. He places his big hand on my warm cheek. His brown eyes pull me in like a trance. I place my small hands onto his bare chest. I feel his body shiver from my cold finger tips. His lips press softly against mine. I sigh into our kissing from the feel of his plumped lips pressed against mine. I pull away but he just pulls me closer to him. My face buried into his neck and I smile from the natural smell that is him. 

"I love you." I say against his skin. 

"I love you more my beautiful sweet Maya." He says and turns onto his back. "Now, tell me what's on your mind baby." He says while stroking my curls. 

I get more comfortable and straddle his lap. I look up at him and even in the moonlight he looks so handsome. His beautiful smile flashes before me as a light cascades across the room through the closed curtains from a car driving by. His big hands find my waist.

"What's on your mind?" He asks before sitting up. "Talk to me baby." He whispers against my lips before kissing me softly. "Mm." He hums as he cups my butt and I moan.

"Baby." I breathe out as I tug on his curls. "As much as my body wants more I need to rest it."

"I'm sorry. I just can't get enough of you my soul mate."

"I love you too Mikey Bear."

His hand softly touches my cheek.

"Thank you so much." He says as he caresses my cheek.

He leans in kissing me so tenderly. He pulls away and kisses my forehead. He wraps his arms around me as he falls back on the bed.

"Tell me beautiful."

I sigh heavily and lay my head on his chest. He intertwines his fingers with mine. He brings it towards his lips and kisses my hand gently.

"I can't stop thinking about what you said."

"Which part?" He asks curiously.

"About those three nights. I can't seem to remember."

"Oh." He says softly giggling.

Even though I can't really see his face. I know he's blushing.

"I know you were half asleep for two of them but the other time you were awake."

"Tell me about them please." I say as my fingers get lost in his curls.

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