Stages of Life (12)

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We are born
by our beloved

We have siblings,
We smiled,
We laughed,
We cried,

We have a
childhood that
no one can
ever forget,

We made friends,
We made mistakes,

We get hurt,
We get mad,
We get jealous,

Sometimes we learn,
Mostly we aren't,

We always
mistook love to hate,

We hated the
ones who cared for us,

We chased the
ones who hurt us,

That's why we never learn,

Unless someone
will come to change,

Your perspective in life,

We study,
We struggle,
We fight,
We learn,

We can't
understand how
the world spins,

But our
understanding deepens,

When our mind matures,

We travel,
We discover,
We dream,
We love,
We change,
Once again,

We will meet again,

and memories,

Happiness will come,
And contentment of life.

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