The girl walked closer to him, a smile now glued to her face. Jeongguk assumed that she was in her early twenties, but he wouldn't be surprised if she was even younger than that.

"You're Jeongguk, right?" The girl asked, sweetly. She seemed to be trying to act innocent.

Jeongguk felt a shiver run down his spine "how do you know my name?"

She chuckled, and Jeongguk hated how perfect it sounded. She didn't say anything, and instead just looked at him, studying his features.

Uncomfortable was an understatement for how Jeongguk was currently feeling.

Finally, the girl spoke. "Don't be afraid, I'm just really good at hearing people talk."

"So you've been stalking me?" Jeongguk said dryly, and she chuckled again.

"If only," she said, "no I haven't, but I have connections."

Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows. "Who are you?"

The girl smiled, "I'm Ji."

Jeongguk's face grew as pale as a ghost's.

He assumed she's been watching Taehyung, and that somehow she found out about him. Jeongguk didn't know what she was about to do next, though a part of him didn't even want to know.

She chuckled again when Jeongguk did nothing, "are you scared of me, Jeongguk?"

"No" Jeongguk replied, hating the way she said his name "just...surprised."

Ji seemed to take that as a compliment "I'm surprised as well. I didn't expect Taehyung to tell you about me."

"Well, he did" Jeongguk replied, challenging her. He knew she had some sort of plan, and he wasn't going to let her succeed "though he didn't say much, what I interpreted from it was that you were a total asshole."

Ji's eyes widened, and she didn't say anything for a long time. Jeongguk thought he had finally gotten her, and that he had won in their small little game. But Jeongguk realized it wasn't even over yet, once she smiled that goddamn smile again.

"I like your attitude," Ji said "usually, I don't like it when people talk to me like that. You remind me of myself."

Jeongguk furrowed his brows, then Ji defended herself "a less arrogant version. You don't seem to take shit from anyone. Taehyung seems to have a type, doesn't he?"

Jeongguk wanted to ask how she knew they were together, but before he could even open his mouth Ji seemed to read his mind "I told you, I'm good at hearing people talk."

It fell silent, then Ji began walking and passed right by Jeongguk, but she continued speaking to him "It's getting late, and you shouldn't be out and alone when it's so dark."

"I'm not a baby" Jeongguk replied.

Ji chuckled, then she spun around to face the younger "there's that attitude I'm talking about. Tell you what, have a drink with me. I want to get to know the man that's stolen Taehyung's heart, plus you can ask me some questions since I know you probably have thousands."

"I'm busy tonight" Jeongguk lied. He didn't trust her, and he knew if Taehyung were here he would tell him to get the hell away from her.

Ji smiled "please, you wouldn't be out wandering the streets if you were "busy." If you think I'm going to hurt you, I'm not. I've had plenty of food for one day."

Jeongguk felt conflicted. He knew it could be dangerous, but at the same time, he had nothing better to do. At least he would have some company.

"Fine," the younger said, "I'll have a drink or two."

𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now