About Ewan

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Directors Cut:
Now it's tome to learn about Ewan. He's an Australian Scottish American as he was born in Scotland but his father is from America but mother is from Australia. When he was 16 he he joined the us navy seals and graduated top of his class. He met Lannan at a Patriots when they won the Super Bowl since then they've been the best of friends. Ewan is now the head of the navy seals and is allowed to live in Australia with his friends from click but every eight months he goes back to America to keep up with the seals. But if their an emergency with war or anything he's ordered back to America. Every year in December Ewan and the click crew fly over to Scotland to spend time with Ewan's family over his birthday and over Christmas. As you can tell Ewan is a huge Patriots fan and has been to every super bowl since super bowl 50 when he was 17. Since then he has met Tom Brady and other football players. His favourite drink is IRN BRU but since he moved to Australia he can't have as it is only sold in Scotland. Since he only has to go to America every eight months he decided to set a group called click with his friends, he would be the founder and Cray,Lannan,Kath,Elliot,Marcus and Bazz would be the people in front of the camera filming the videos.
They all decided to move into a house together since Ewan was a Billionaire ( He created a company to hide his cover of being head of the seals and it somehow succeeded ) he said he would pay for the house. But then again he had no value of money so his parents took control of it so he wouldn't blow it all. Although he did own Liverpool FC and Peterhead FC and had owned half of the New England Patriots but he never acted like a billionaire he more wanted to hang out with his friends rather than go around with the tones of money. He acted more like someone who was a working class person. Probably because his parents ran his business for him but he wasn't dumb.

Ewan knew about Lannan's crush on Kath but never told anyone he also knew about Elliot's crush on Kath but he was respectful of him and never told anyone his secret either. He also knew about Cray's crush on tannar and Bazz's crush on Fasffy but Ewan being Ewan he never told anyone. His way of cooling off was going to the gym to keep himself fit and built after all he was 21 and in charge of the seals he needed to keep himself fit in case he was needed for field work. Marcus said to him once "your like a tank due your 6 foot 6 and have muscles the size pipes, I better watch out that Lufu doesn't fall for you".

Ewan was more a clam and casual guy and was more famous for being friends with lazarbeam that he was for being a billionaire, which he liked but kids started running up to him in the street but it could be for him. One of the kids called him a geek once because he had glasses and like Star Wars but he just laughed it off.

An unexpected turn of events Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora