The Red Goo

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Roses P.O.V

Feeling someone start shaking me i groan and roll over, "can you scoot over more?" the voice whispers "yeah sure" i say carelessly feeling myself being cuddled i lean into the cuddles with a happy sigh. Feeling excessive body heat i start moving around a little until i feel
something poking me. Sleepy me starts to feel around trying to move whatever is poking me

"Rose? what are you doing?" that voice kinda sounds like Jordan "trying to get my phone out of my bed duh." i finally found my phone and quickly squeeze and try to move it. "ouch ! fuck! " the body movement was so fast and rough sleep was nonexistent.

Looking around my room noticing how dark it was outside, turning to my alarm clock the big red blotchy letters read 5:45 , then turning my head forward i see a figure in a crouch position "jordan? what are you doing?" turning his head slowly his eyes are have tears coming out. "why would you do that?" confusion laced in my face and eyes "why would you think there was a phone in your bed? You knew i was sleeping next to you!" he whisper yells "you were?" his exasperated look tells me i should probably shut my mouth "why are you holding your 'thing' like that?" he sighs with his free hand he rubs his temples "do you not remember yanking my dick out of its socket?!" i gasp and put my hands over my mouth "that's what that was ?! i'm so sorry i'll get you ice!"

pulling open my door and running down the stairs for ice is harder than expected. Almost falling down the stairs two times and face planting in the kitchen i go back upstairs looking around for my bodyguards who we're supposed to be watching who came in and out of my room, i give Jordan the ice with a quick "here" and throwing it at him hearing an "ouch". I go near dads room the body guards at my dads door we're in ready position "sweetie? why are you up early?" one sweet talks me i don't trust them so faking innocence seemed like a better plan "i had a bad dream but i'm ok now." with a fake pout "ok well your daddy is safe and so are you, ok?" i tiredly nod turning back and going to hunters room the guards are there with stoic faces but you can tell
they're falling asleep "rose, what are you doing awake?" the ginger one asks gently "i was just making sure everyone was ok." again using a dumb pout to make the excuses more believable it's a trust no one type house. I trust my family obviously but do i trust these guards? no.
Nicos room is next he sleeps farthest in the hall so if anyone would want to kill our family first it could be him i go up to his room but only seeing one guard he looks like he doesn't belong her. Kinda looks sweaty and nervous "little girl? what are you doing here? don't you know it's dangerous being up this late?" during his little lecture a hint of his Russian accent creeps out. he must've noticed about his accent but my best option was to act like i didn't hear anything and pout "i wanted to see my brother, i had a bad dream."
"Little girl, everyone has bad dreams it's best to keep them a secret and go back to bed." i start yawning and rubbing my eyes "ok goodnight" when i start walking away i keep a good distance then stop i hide behind this huge ugly vase we have for some reason. " здесь маленькая девочка размером с щебет, я хочу, чтобы кто-то последовал за ней." ( There's a little girl here runt size i want someone to follow her)

i start running to santa's room as fast as i can. i wish on my board right now i would've been hauling ass.
i start forcing myself to cry and going up to the guards "i really need to see my dad the nightmares wont go away " they cooed at me a little "ok in you go" opening the door . i silently thank them i hop onto his bed and jump on him " STORM!" i cover my hand with his mouth he gives me a 'what the fuck' look i put my finger to sshh him with a pleading look.
Silently going to the door and hearing nothing i go back on his bed "my guards aren't at my door so i felt suspicious and i started checking around and Nico has a Russian spy at his door!" he takes a gun out from
under his pillow "what did he tell you?" i zone out on the gun Santa snaps his fingers in front of my face "i was faking that i had a nightmare and he told me i need to go back to bed and never tell anyone what happened" he grunts i add "i don't think Nico was in his room the door was open but i didn't want to try to look " dad takes out a control and he presses a button "is there anything you wanna tell me before i put your room on lock down." i nod my head in shame "Jordan's in my room right now" his expression goes mad to angry in seconds he sighs "we can talk about this after i kill a Russian"
he gives me a gun "kill anyone who isn't me, jordan, and your brothers also the guards depending if they're trying to kill you." he grabs another gun and puts it behind his back. sneaking around opening the door carefully the guards are ready to kill anyone i see Hunter whispering to
him how did he know about this i think confused in the mist of there conversation Jordans name comes up they both have an angry expression.

the sun starts rising and i feel so tired and curious, what if they get killed? what if there's someone's in this room right now? what if someone bugged my room? the questions kept popping up in my head over and over, fuck this quietly opening the door and peeping my head i swiftly go
to my room they must've not put my room on lockdown because of Jordan. No one is in here maybe i was only being paranoid but i could never be too sure.


A gunshot goes off i jump but with the fear of losing a love one i go towards the on going echo of a gun going off that could've killed anyone. heavy breathes are the only you can hear and the ongoing red liquid spilling from the Russian mans head it's the only thing i focus on. It's so dark and thick no one has noticed me yet. The gooey red is gonna stain the floors "Rose! hey let's get you away from this mess" i feel myself being lifted and taken away but the red liquid is still there just over flowing the floors the poor maids.
Dads quiet shushes and rocking puts my mind to ease "santa the blood is gonna stain the floors. we should call the maids." he stops the rocking "one of my men clean up the mess"
i hug a little tighter and play with his beard "are you mad that Jordan was in my room?" he becomes emotionless again "yes. what were you two doing?" i keep playing with his beard "we were sleeping" i don't know if he believes me but it's the truth

Hunter walks in with Jordan but he had his hands tied with rope with a gun to his head i tried multiple times to get out of santa's grip to save him or stop them "STOP! hunter stop! please!" tears are streaming down my face "what were you doing in her bed?" hunter grits out "we were sleeping." i'm shocked how he is so calm being in this position like he has done this before hunter looks at me "what were you doing ?" my eyes go wide "we were sleeping !" i feel my breaths get shorter and shorter hunter turns back to Jordan "why did you feel the need to sneak into our house and lay in her fucking bed!" jordan still calm while i feel myself getting heavier "my dad came home. Drunk. Barged into my room told me if i didn't leave he would kill me tonight just how i killed my mother." I can't stop crying my breathing isn't going back to normal i feel my eyelids just droop more and more "Rose?! Tiny?! " is the last thing i hear before i sleep.
i feel myself slip into an unconscious state but i can still feel my tears on my cheeks and see the red. red! red! red! it's all on the walls and i'm batheing in it.
i can't be here i need to get back. Babies wailing echoing through the walls
The wailing never stops
I gasp.
Looking around Santa , Hunter and Jordan surround me looking scared.
i close my eyes one more time and come up with the best smile i can own up to
"i have to get ready for school" just get up and leave like nothing happened.
Those are the only words my subconscious is leaving me

Intense or what??

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