Chapter 18

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Lmk how often you want me to update and I will attempt to fulfil your wishes😉 I'm just busy cause I'm moving into a house with all my friends, the process is difficult😫 hype house 2.0😂 jk jk
Charli's POV:
I woke up and looked at Chase. His hair was messy but in a cute way. "Not creepy at all." I heard Chase say because I was staring at him. "Sorry." I said blushing. Chase just laughed and pulled me closer to him. "It's fine, you have caught me staring at you remember." he said and I laughed. "Chase I have something to tell you.." I said nervously. "Me too." he said smiling. "You first." I said smiling. "I-I like y-you c-Charli." he said stuttering. "I like you too." I giggled at his cuteness. "Thank god, if you said something else I would've been really embarrassed." he said and we both laughed. "So, what are we?" I said hoping we could be together. "Well, if you want, we could be boyfriend and girlfriend?" he said waiting for my answer. "I'd love you be your girlfriend." I said and kissed him. Then there was a little cough outside our door. "Alright guys you can come in now!" I called out knowing they were there. "Oh hey." they all said and we laughed. "New couple!" Addison screamed. All the guys attacked Chase and all the girls attacked me. "We have to go out for dinner tonight, to celebrate the new couple!" Avani suggested. There was a mixture of "yeah sure" and nods of heads. We decided to go out that night. "Can we get dressed now?" Chase asked. "Oh yeah sorry." they all said in unison. "Can I have a hoodie?" I asked with my best puppy dog eyes. "Course." Chase said with a warm smile. He gave me a purple hoodie and I put my Coca Cola cropped T-shirt under it. I paired it with black Lulu's and my Converse. Then I did a natural makeup, a bit of foundation and my eyebrows and some mascara. I would do a nicer look later. "You ready?" Chase asked me. "Yep." I took his hand and we walked downstairs. We sat at the table, Nick was making pancakes. Chase was nudging me and I was laughing. "Chase!" I said a little too loud. Everyone gave us a weird look. "What?" I asked confused. They all looked away. I leaned in and kissed Chase, he kissed back and pulled me into his lap. "Oh hell no!" Dixie said but Nick ran over from the pancakes to stop her. "Come here baby." he said pulling her over to help him make the food. Me and Chase continued kissing. "Alright you two, pancakes are ready." Nick said placing them on the table. I smirked at Chase and he smirked back. I got off his lap and sat in my seat. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. "So, any plans today?" Alex asked swallowing a mouthful of food. "Me, Thomas, Bryce and Addison are going on a double date." Daisy said taking Thomas' hand. "Me and Dixie are staying here because she's leaving tomorrow." Nick said sadly. "Me, Kouvr, Paper, Calvin, Ryland and Patrick are here." Alex said. "I'm doing a creepy ritual today, so I'm here today." I said casually. "I'm going out with my family." Chase said giving me a strange look. "Just a question, why are you doing a ritual?" Alex asked smiling nervously. "It's a thing she's been doing since we were kids." Dixie said rolling her eyes. "It only comes around once every two months." I said. "Can I try it with you? And film for my vlog?" Alex asked. "Course." By the end of the conversation Alex, Kouvr, Paper, Calvin, Ryland and Patrick were doing the ritual with me. After breakfast everyone got ready and left. I brought everyone who was joining me into my room.
To be continued....
So about the creepy ritual thing, me and my sister have been doing it for years. It's something that's been in my family for decades, so any questions? Bahahahaha sorry if your weirded out, please don't judge😕

Just friends|| •Charli and Chase• COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ