Dating Teddy Would Include...

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-Constantly teasing each other in a loving way

-Cuddling with each other under lots of blankets

-Lots of piggy back rides

-Dancing together to whatever song comes on the radio

-Having, fun random adventures

-You talking him out of dangerous situations

-lots of PDA and being extremely affectionate when by yourself

-passionate, playful kisses

-Kissing each other on the nose to make the other giggle

-Teddy making stupid jokes and doing silly things to make you laugh

-Teddy opening up to you about his anger and you helping I'm cope with it in a healthy way

-Playing army together

-Your parents thinking he's weird, but accepting him because he makes you happy

-His mom absolutely adoring you

-You calming Teddy down when someone insults his dad and comforting him when he gets upset about his dad

-Teddy always surprising you to make you happy

-You singing to Teddy and him thinking you have the most beautiful voice in the world

-You stealing his glasses and wearing them

-Sleepovers every weekend

-You being the only one Teddy completely trusts to confide in

-Teddy carrying a ring around with him, waiting to propose when you two are old enough

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