Dragonformer: Cyclonus & Tailgate

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   Newly hatched and only a month old, you knew little to nothing about the world around you. Your breed typical leaves their clutches in moist, warm and shaded area near large pools of water. Laying and leaving them to hatch alone since you can hunt instinctively from birth. A long, sleek body perfected for snaking through the water, and venomous fangs make you extremely deadly to even the biggest of dragons. But fish being you staple diet, there's very little need for you to go after another dragon.

  However, something spiked your curiosity today. Sensing struggling in the water as you glide effortlessly along the lakes bottom, you come closer to investigate. Slowing a bit after reaching the shore. You choose to stay hidden for now, underneath the small waves coming from whatever is causing the disturbance. Clouds of mud, and sand, and dirt are kicked up which provide you further protection from sight. Upon further investigation, you spy a school of minnows frantically dodges small, white paws that desperately try to catch them.


You get closer.

   The small fish glide here and there... but your not interested. You wanna see what kinda thing this is. It looks fun! You glide up the shallows, curiosity overriding your first instinct you've followed since hatching...


   You're suddenly, and painfully, torn from the water by a large maw. Teeth dig into your small ribs as water sprays across the open air and...



   Your entire body contorts like a snake with its head severed from its body. Adrenaline shooting you through you young, screaming at you to break free! RUN! LIVE! Shrieking you rake your small claws on the soft underside of the jaws. There's a grunt of pain, but they stay firmly on your body. You try to bite back, your long neck should be able to reach something! But before you can move, the teeth holding you bite harder, and start pressing deeper. A scream is heard.

It was yours.

   Then the world spin. You vaguely realise your being shaked. Back and forth. It seems familiar... and you remember.

This was often how you killed your prey when you fished from land.

It was going to eat you!

   But you can fight anymore... you're young. Still an infant, really. You can't fight an adult. Besides... you're tired. So tired. Warm liquid is felt running down you body... your legs... face... it tastes coppery...

  A panicked sqeak comes from below. At least, you think so? Everything is fuzzy...

   There are vibrations now. Deep ones. Is it from whatever is holding you?

   Another squeak. Then several. Another growl... what's happening?


Hello darkness...

My old friend...




   You bolt up, and regret you decision immediately. Sharp pain causes you to collapse right back where you were. Your earlier gasp causes you to have a coughing fit at the same time, increasing the tearing from you sides. You let out a pathetic whimper and close your eyes as you realize you're alive but in incredible agony.

   You faintly hear soft footsteps. Then something nuzzles you shoulder. Taking a glance you see bright blue staring back at you with concern. They're small... small like you. But more, 'ya know, kawaii? Shorter, with white scales covering their body. Black circles cover their shoulders in a unique pattern. They even have dainty little pa-


Was this adorable little thing the one making that mess in the shallow?

"Are you hurting?"


The little white dwarf dragon glances at your side. You follow his gaze, only slightly straining. And your eyes owl in suprise. Your body is leaves. Ones that stick to your sides. They go completely around your torso, some covering you left shoulder. You sniff them delicately, get a scent of something you can identify. But it smells... weird.

"It's medicine!"

His loud squeak made you jump a little, which in turn, causes you to grunt and wince. He grimaces and lightly head bumps you as a way of apology. "It's medicine." He says softer, " It'll help heal the wounds in your sides."

Gazing at him in wonder you say, "You... saved me..?"

"Oh! No! No... infact, I think it was my fault you got hurt at all..." He replies glumly. Your head tilts in confusion, about to ask why he thinks that, when a third joins the conversation.

"No. It was mine."

You shrink as a large shadow of a dragon walks in the, now that you look at it, rather large, well kept cave.
Your nerves begin buzzing like bees in a hive. Screaming danger and run! Your body shaking; shivering in fear. But how could you not? When the thing that almost killed you... is not even meter away?

To Be Continued..?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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