Chapter 2: Introduction

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Nives herself was taller than me, don't even get me started on how normal that is. But she is about as tall as any 12-year-old girl would be, the normal, average height.

Nives has creamy blond hair and her skin is creamy chocolate brown. It makes her look like a Magnum Gold ice cream packet. She has yellow eyes, straight nose and thin lined, cherry lips. She doesn't think so herself but I think she looks really pretty.

"You're pretty Nives," I said sulking. Giving the 'I wish I was as pretty as you' look.

"You're prettier than me Jeyne. You said that just because I'm tall," she retorted.

And I didn't but I kind of did.

"All tall girls are pretty, no questions asked!"

"Pretty comes in all shapes and sizes,"

"...Yeah that's true," I said, but now looking out the window.

The busy streets, although crowded, looks beautiful. Seeing spirits isn't really a bad thing. It gets scary to deal with at times, but at other times, it feels amazing. So many colors, so many shapes, it almost feels like it's a festival every day.

The bus stopped on the last station, and we got down.

I packed my bag of cookies, saving it for later, and followed Nives to our class. It wasn't a long walk but it took a while, I avoided as many eyes as I could possibly avoid. We we're famous in school, but I won't tell you why cause to be honest, I don't know why.

But I guess this is a good time to introduce myself.

My name's Jeyne Scarlet. And I'm turning 12 today. To my friends I look like a ghost. To everyone in school, I look like a doll. I think it's cause I'm short.

Scarlet is my family name, and it runs in the family too cause my dad has scarlet hair, and so do I. But my hair is a mix of scarlet and orange cause my mom had blond hair, or so my dad said.

But I've never seen anyone else have scarlet hair, so maybe that's why I'm famous.

I have scarlet eyes just like my dad, that didn't change. But what's creepy about it is that it glows too, which creeps my friends out, especially when we're having a sleepover at Judy's house.

Judy is also one of my best friends, and she's super-rich. Her house is like a maze, and one time I woke up at night to head to the toilet, I heard them screaming when they saw me cause I looked like a ghost in the dark with scarlet eyes.

I have a small nose, not that I like it small, pale lips and 3 moles under each of my eyes. I heard from my dad that my moles were like what my mom had, but she's gone now so I can't really see if that's true. My skin is white, but a little beige and pink too. It shines like baby skin and that kinda makes me look like I'm 5 rather than I'm 12. It's humiliating.

We reached our class. I looked up to see the sign say 'Class 6B4D'

This was just about our last day in school, but it was December. No one goes to school on December except Kitty Muffins Elementary.

"It's Jeyne!" I heard.


"Oh gosh, the queen is back!"

"Come here Jeyne, you mind lending a hand?"

"Quiet you lot, she's with the humans!"

"Yes, yes, she's with her friends. It is best we left her alone for now."

I heard, and the spirits that were snooping around my table left for the door out of my classroom. They were apparently waiting for me to come to school, like they always did.

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