Chapter 17 - Home Sweet Home.......NOT!

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I rolled my eyes yet again as I watched Drake put on the 'charm.' I just think it is vomit worthy.

"Hello ladies," He said, taking a step towards them, "Are any of you the Alpha by any chance?"

"Nope," Gaby answered smirking, "I'm one of the pack warriors while Kelsey here is the over Beta." By now even I was smirking at her directness.

"Where is your Alpha then?" Jason asked curiously, I was rather taken aback by his appearance. Jason had bags under his eyes and he looked deathly sick, I could feel my heart weep for him but I immediately pushed those feelings aside as I watched James get out of the car.

"James what are you doing?" I hissed, making him turn around to face me.

"Getting in on the action," He answered, smirking smugly at me.

I giggled as he slammed the car door shut and strutted over towards the group of awkward people.

"Are you the Alpha?" Drake asked, clearly annoyed at not seeing me already.

"Nope, I'm James the other pack warrior and our Alpha is just staying in the car for a while. She really didn't want to come here but she did for the safety of her pack." James answered, I think that I could detect some sort of pride in his voice.

"So the Alpha is a girl then? How pathetic!" Erica stated, I was now clenching my fists so tightly that I just wanted to go over there and punch her in the face. But by the looks on every ones faces, I could tell they were going to beat me to it.

"Alpha Long-field," Jordan and Kelsey called at the same time, I could see my entire family stiffen at my name, "Would you like to get out of the car now?"

Right, this is it. 

I stepped out of the car as slowly as possible, trying to stall as much as I could before I had to go and face 'them.'

I am finally out of the car and once I turned around to face them, I watched as every ones mouth's fell open and their jaws hitting the floor.

"So you urh, miss me?" I asked, smirking slightly at their faces, "Close your mouths, you'll catch flies."

I stayed silent for another moment, waiting for some one to talk before speaking again.

"Can you at least tell us were we are staying?"

That was when my mother ran up to me and started to cry in to the crook of my neck......WHAT THE HELL?!

"Get off me," I snapped, annoyed that I was being touched. My mum let go of me reluctantly and only then did I realise how sick and pale she was.

"I'm so sorry Heather," Mum sniffed, before turning around and walking inside the pack house.

"What's with her?" Gaby asked, as soon as my mum closed the door behind her.

My pack and I looked at my Dad curiously but he just glared at me.

"She has refused to talk to anyone till her daughter returned, and she didn't deserve to be treated like that Heather."

"Oh so now your calling me Heather? What happened to bitch or cow?" I snapped, glaring down at him, trying to keep my anger under control.

Jordan and James could obviously tell I was about to lose it so they went to walk behind me and they restrained my wrists tightly, but that only angered me more.

That was when my eyes started to flash from there normal green to black. Danica was starting to take over.

"Let me rip their throats out!" She growled at me.

"You can't kill them but we can hurt them," I grinned as she took full control of my body.

Danica gripped harder on to Jordan and James' wrists and flung them at the over pack members, everyone toppled over and Danica took a fighting stance, prepared to lunge at anyone who dared to get close to us.

"Heather calm down," Drake tried to calm me down but it only got me and Danica more annoyed.

"Silence," We growled, making him flinch back from our tone, but Drake quickly picked himself back up and started to walk towards me.

"Heather, calm the hell down," He growled, trying to use his Alpha tone on me but that only made Danica and I snap.

We lunged at him and pinned him to the ground, his eyes shown with surprise and pride and I just growled even more at him.

"Heather, get up!" Jordan snapped at me. I shot my head towards him and his eyes showed his fear but he still dared to stand up against me.

I stood up to my full height and glared at Jordan, "God, what are we doing Danica?" I asked her, I was literally begging for control back now.

I slowly felt myself gain control again and I waited till I was completely calm before speaking,

"No-one touch me against my will again."

My pack chuckled at my statement but the others just gave me a shocked look.

"Well, lets get inside," Kelsey said, obviously trying to ease the tension.

We all nodded and started to walk towards the pack house, although I stopped walking when I heard some one calling my name from behind.

I turned around and saw Jason and Erica standing side by side, giving me a pleading look. I sighed and started to walk backwards towards them.

"Heather, what are you doing?" Gaby asked when she noticed I stopped walking.

"I'll be there in a moment, you guys just go ahead of me," Gaby nodded at my response and continued to walk up te path towards the pack house.

Once they were out of ear shot, I turned my attention towards my siblings. Crossing my arms over my chest I waited impatiently for them to start talking.

"We are so sorry Heather," Erica whined, tears in her eyes as she spoke. I looked over at Jason and saw that he was still staring at me like I was a ghost.

I was about to reply when I heard Jordan and James start to scream from the pack house. I bolted to where their screams came from, my heart thundering in my chest. I just hope that there alright!

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