Story 1- Phone numbers

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    So one day I was sitting in History class with my crew. Everyone was working on some class work stuff, and the teacher (I won't say her name for privacy concerns, and I will not add anyone's last names for that reason) asked for a volunteer to bring some papers to another teacher. I was chosen, and Hannah wanted to go with me, so we went together.

     As we were walking down to the library to give the man the papers, out of curiosity, we began reading them. It turns out it was winter track sign ups, and it listed the person's name, what event they chose, and their phone number. It just so happens that the freshman boys page was on top, and we just happened to see the phone number of some kids we knew. So Hannah came up with some genius ways to remember them. The only one I can remember is one of a guy who was in our math class last year. We used to be pretty good friends, but now he seems like he thinks he is too popular to talk to me.

Should I prank call him or naw?

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