I walked over to shawn "I'm sorry shawn I really am I screwed up." "It's fine ari but I don't wanna get back together." "I understand." I walked to the stove and got 2 pancakes and ate them next to nash.

"Let's have a siblings day!" Nash yelled to me and hayes. We agreed and I went upstairs and changed into clothes and vans.

I walked downstairs and we were gonna go to the mall. I drove because I have my license lol. When we got there i dragged them to starbucks but hayes didn't mind hes like a basic white girl also. I got a frapuccino so did nash and hayes.

We shopped around and we all got penny boards and clothes and new vans.

After the mall I drove home jamming to to the new one direction album and hayes was singing along. Well more like screaming. Me and nash laughed and vined it.

We got home and I hung up my new clothes.

When I was done someone knocked on my door. I looked over to see matt standing on my doorway. "Hey matt what's up?" "Uh. Do you wanna go to the movies with me?" "Yeah! Let me just grab my purse!"

I grabbed my purse and my phone and headed to the car. Matt drove and we went to see Annabelle. I'm literally gonna pee my pants watching this movie.

Everytime it was scary Id just curl up next to matt. He was pretty scared too.

After the movie we decided on getting Taco Bell because it's life. We went through the drive through because we're lazy. We got our food and ate it in the car and I spilled my drink all of me and of course matt vined it!

"Maaattttt" i whined. "Sorry it was funny!" I started laughing with him. He drove home and it was pretty late so everyone was asleep. "Wanna watch teen wolf and cuddle?" I asked matt.

"YES!" I laughed and got blankets. He made popcorn because we were already hungry. I turned on teen wolf and we cuddled and soon enough I fell asleep in Matt's arms. I always feel safe in his arms.

Matt's POV

When jules fell asleep in my arms I kissed her head. I do like her. She's my bestfriend and im falling for her. She just brings out the best in me. She's so beautiful and so outgoing and ugh just perfect.

I continued watching teen wolf then after I slowly fell asleep also.

I woke up and jules was still in my arms but she was awake looking at me. "You're cute when you sleep" she told me poking my cheek. I laughed and pushed her off of me.

"OW!" She yelled. Then she laughed with me. I helped her up and we walked to the kitchen. I lifted her up on the counter because she was too lazy to pull herself up. I opened the fridge and got out eggs.

I'm gonna make some scrambled eggs because why not. I put the eggs down and got a bowl. "Wait I don't know who to cook" I said laughing at myself. Jules laughed and made them herself.

Slowly everyone was awake and we all ate together. After we ate we cleaned our dishes and decided to film YouTube videos with each other. We did Q&A's, Truth or Dares and many more.

After filming me and Jules decided to get lunch for everyone. We went to mcdonalds and got everyone stuff. I drove there and she went in and ordered.

"The woman looked at me because I was ordering so much" Jules said laughing. We started driving home and Jules was singing to one direction so I wanted to vine it. "WATCHED OUT MATT!" Jules screamed. I swerved but it was too late. I felt pain all through my body. Then it went black.

Julia's POV

"WATCH OUT MATT!" I saw a truck swerving into our lane. Matt tried to swerve away but it was too late. The car started flipping and it went black.

Nashs POV

"What is taking them so long?" I asked. I suddenly got a phone call.
"Mr. Grier?"
"Yeah hi"
"Hello you're friend and sister were in a sever car accident and they were rushed to the hospital."
"oh my gosh I'm on my way thank you!"

I started crying. "MATT. JULES. CAR ACCIDENT. HOSPITAL. NOW!" I screamed. Madison started crying and so did everyone. Cameron drove us all and we ran into the hospital. "MATTHEW ESPINOSA AND JULIA MI- I MEAN GRIER!"

"Matt is in room 114 and Julia Is in 113." Me, cam, hayes, and Madison went into Jules room and the rest went to matt. Jules was awake and looked fine. "hey baby girl are you okay?" Cam asked. "Yeah a couple bruises but I'm fine. Where's matt?!"

"I'll go check on him" I said walking to Matt's room. He wasn't awake and the boys were crying. "What's going on? How is he?" "He's in a coma!" Jack J said. "Oh my god!" I cried even more.

Julia's POV

The doctor came in and unhooked me from some machine. "You're good to go miss grier." "Thank you" I said. I got up and hugged cam, hayes, and Madison.

I then ran to Matthews room to see everyone. I cried looking at him. Hooked up to many machines. He looked so broken. "MATT!" I screamed and ran over to him. "MATT WAKE UP!"

Nash pulled me back. "Jules his in a coma he can't speak" he said. I cried even harder. I yanked out of Nashs grib and ran over to matt again. I held his hand.

Everyone went into the waiting room and I was still holding his hand. Madison and taylor were in here cuddling and sleeping. "Matt I know you can't speak but I know you can hear me. I just want to tell you that I love you and when you want to wake up please do. This is all my fault!"

I screamed and Madison and taylor woke up. "Hey maybe we should go and come back tomorrow." Madison said grabbing me and hugging me. I cried into her shoulder. "It's gonna be okay Jules."

We walked into the waiting room to just see cam. "The others went home to get some rest." Cam then drove me, Madison, and Taylor home. I looked out the window the whole time thinking about matt.

When we got home the other boys were asleep. "Hey Jules how are you?" "I'm good my arm kinda hurts but matt.." Taylor picked me up and laid me on my bed. He tucked me in "get some rest princess." He said kissing my head.

"Thank taylor" I said smiling. Him and Madison left hugging each other. They are my otp btw.

I tried falling asleep so many times and I got at least an hour of sleep and thats it.

I woke up and took a quick shower. I changed into sweats and a t-shirt and some uggs. I walked downstairs to see the boys and Madison laying around. "Someone please take me to see Matt!" I kinda yelled.

Cam picked me up and put me in his car. He drove me to the hospital and I ran to Matt's room. He was still asleep.

"Hi matt. It's Julia! Uh.." I just didn't know what to say. "I miss you matt. It's been a day but I miss you like crazy!" I started crying. "Please just try to wake up please." He didn't move a muscle.

I laid down next to him and cried into him. "Matt I know you can hear me. I just want you to know that I'm here for you and I love you and I need you. You're always there for me and I really don't deserve you. This is all fault and I'm so sorry!!"

I slowly fell asleep on him.

"Hey Jules, wake up baby girl" cam said. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at matt. Still in the same position and the monitor still beating the same.

"Hey let's get you home and some food in your stomach. We'll come back later." Cam said. "Bye matt" I said and cam picked me up. "Thank cammy for being here for me I love you." "I love you too jules! Anything for my princess!"

He put me in his car and drove home. When we got there I opened the door and ran to nash. I hugged him then I hugged everyone. "Sorry I just need hugs right now." I say wiping my tears. They smiled and then they all dog piled on me with hugs. "Thanks guys" I said smiling.

I go upstairs and change in pajamas and think of matt and fall asleep.

Shout out to the person that commented saying they like this! I appreciate it!! Hope you're all enjoying! Leaving a comment for ideas. Ill be uploading tomorrow!

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