Chapter Twenty The Duel

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Chapter Twenty The Duel-

Sir Tybalt had provided us all a room, mainly for me to get ready in. Emeline had her spell book in hand mediating, Alexander was well being Alexander he was praying. Then there was Isabelle, she has asked to help me get my armor on. She seemed uneasy and lost. I looked at the wall as Isabelle laced up the back of my armor. I looked down at my sword and my shield. Today was it, today was the day that would make the most. I must make the most out of it. I must.

Isabelle quietly helped me on with everything else, not even giving me a scowl. I still was amazed. On armor I tried to keep it rather loose, I had a breast plate, arm plates, leg plats, a shield, and a sword. I didn't want a anything else. I kept my breath steady as Isabelle handed me my sword. She looked up at me, as if it was the last time she would ever see me. I smiled down at her.

"Don't frown my dear." I smiled as she brushed out the wrinkles on the side of her dress. I looked at the dress, I haven't had time to look at the new dress. Emeline's was a dark forest green, high waisted, long sleeve, a neck cut. Then Isabelle's was a blood red dress, the waist was right at the hips, the top was laced up, the neckline was a gentle curve, it looked stunning on her.

I had all my gear on, and it was time. I let out a sigh as everyone turned to me. Emeline stood up taking her spell book and walking slowly out of the room, Alexander stood at the window watching me, and Isabelle stood in front of me watching the ground. "Archer, may I speak to you in private?" Isabelle asked as Alexander walked out of the room to join Emeline. I looked down at Isabelle waiting to hear her talk. "Archer I just wanted to tell you that I am forever grateful of what you have done, what you have sacrificed." She murmured this as she looked up at me. I could see tears begin to forum in her eyes.

"Isabelle, Isabelle. There is nothing to worry about. The land will be back to normal, everyone will be fine. Yes a few scraps and bruises here and there, but fine." I said as I took her hand and we walked out of the room. She whipped her tears, smiling up at me. I hope that what I have just said is true.


Isabelle, Alexander, and Emeline were taking to the side of the courtyard that they had set up. Sir Tybalt was already waiting in the center. I was very surprised at how they had set up the arena. It was a small stone courtyard with few of anything, then a wooden gate stood where everyone watched. By everyone I mean Isabelle, Alexander, Emeline, and Sir Tybalt's men. "Archer, welcome dear Archer!" Sir Tybalt yelled as they began to put on his metal head piece. This armor shone with gold, mine on the other hand was silver.

I ignored him as I walked onto my side of the arena. He laughed. "I still am trying to think what I will do with your friends after I kill them. I'm thinking servitude or maybe banishment, no no Death. Public execution. It will teach the people a lesson about respecting the new high king!" Sir Tybalt laughed. I kept my breathing easy as I held my sword ready in my hand. I needed to keep myself calm at the start of this, then build up. If I wanted to live through it.

Sir Tybalt finally done walked into the center, as I did too. We stood there facing each other. The tension was high. I thought out what would happen after this. I would leave this place, go home. Be happy forever. I needed to think of that and that only. "Ready my dear boy." Sir Tybalt laughed. I smiled. "Yes." "Start!"Someone yelled and with that we started. The first move was by myself. I tied for his arm, but he brought his shield beat me to it. The clang of the shield and sword hitting filled the room. I backed away as quickly as I could. Sir Tybalt lowered part of his head piece, now his face was un seeable.

"You know Archer, I am going to find much joy in killing you." Sir Tybalt laughed as he took of his helmet. He rushed at me. Even with his substantial amount of training, which I only presume from his use with the sword, he wasn't precautious as Isabelle tried to be. He was too confident and demanding to even watch his moves. I slide to the side, rather gracefully. The floor raised up dirt as I slide. Though with on the hand, that was located on the side that wasn't in the direction I was going I held my sword. I pointed towards the ground, not letting it touch it, but keeping it a good 5 inches away.

Sir Tybalt, with his quick and unsteady moments, hit the sword and went flying forward. I backed up holding my own as he hit the ground. I quickly evaluated my stance and corrected it. Just in time too, Sir Tybalt shot off the ground his sword in hand glaring at me. His lip was cut open, blood was falling freely. I was hardly breaking a sweat. He came at me again, this time with more control and better moments. He kept his stance perfect throughout as he slashed in my direction with only the slight flicks of his wrist. I used my shield and sword to their full advantage, blocking him with shield trying to hit him with sword. It was a constant dance

Sir Tybalt was a very dirty swordsman. We got close as our swords collided, he brought up his shield hitting my head. It sent me stumbling backwards. My head began to throb as I hit the ground. I couldn't give up though. Sir Tybalt walked towards me as I sat on the ground, my shield was far from me. I only had my sword. He stood in front of me, his sword was in hand ready to kill me. "It looks like we all know who the winner is." He laughed. He was distracted for only a moment, and that was my shot. I jumped up, bringing my foot up as fast as I could. I kicked him square in the chest, sending him back flying.  

I took a deep breath as I watched Sir Tybalt try to stand once again. He stood up, now with a large scrape across his face, his was red. But no blood. "It's going to be hard to kill me." I said as I also did spit on the ground. There was a little blood in my spit, mostly from when he hit my head. I had bit my lip. He smiled at me as he threw his shield aside. I took off my arm armor(which wasn't that difficult, only armor that wasn't tied on), losing myself us as I looked at him. I had done barely anything except defend myself. Now I would attack. Sir Tybalt came at me again, though I wasn't just merely defending myself.

I slide to the side again, but he was much to prepared for that. I blocked a hit he tried then I took my hand, formed a fist and punched him. He looked dazed for a second. Then he pulled back, his face was red from the punch. He looked at me, shocked. I just smiled. This time I attacked, I was aware of my surroundings. I was quick yet stable. With one quick moment I was able to cut his check, then I got a part of the arm that wasn't properly tied. It was his right arm. He stumbled back grabbing at his arm, as blood began to run. It fell on the floor creating a honestly huge puddle. I took a breath, a bit of sweat began to forum on my forehead. "Archer what out!" Isabelle wailed.

I began to turn towards her when something hit me. The agonizing pain hit my right arm. I dropped my sword as I fell to the ground. I laid on the ground as the pain filled me. I looked up to see a man holding a sword, the sword he had jabbed into my arm. He stood there smiling down at me. "Master will be pleased." The man said as he put his sword down. I could feel the hate pulse through me. I took my leg and the hardest I could I hit him. He fell to the ground, hitting his head. I crack was heard as he hit his head, blood began to pool around him. He was dead. I took a breath trying to get up my strength. Trying to get back up.

"Assassin, Archer. I am happy, no overjoyed to be the one to end you." Sir Tybalt said as he stood over me. His sword drawn as he smiled. "I hope you go to hell my dear boy." He laughed as he took his sword pointing towards my heart. I had one chance, one chance and one chance only. He began to bring it (the sword) down upon me. I grabbed mine. The sound of a sword piercing through flesh rang in the air. He smiled at me, but his smile quickly faded. He backed up as he looked down at himself. His sword had missed me, mine had not missed him. Right near the area of his heart, blood began to pool. He covered his hands over the area. He smiled at me "Assassin." He muttered as he fell backwards. He was dead. Finally.

 I could feel my heart speed up as I looked at my arm, the blood just kept going. I was losing it very fast. I fell backwards, my head was turned towards everyone. I had almost forgot they were there. I watched as Isabelle, Emeline, and Alexander rushed towards me. Isabelle was first to come. She knelt by my side. "Archer! Archer!" She yelled as she took her small hands and moved my hair from my face. "Archer stay with me, please stay with me." Isabelle muttered. I smiled up at her. "We're all free." I muttered. I looked upon her, as blackness began to consume my vision. We're free, we're all free.


Well my dears. I am so amazed, finally all is good.

I am very excited, not for a chance of winning the Watty Awards. i don't really want that.

But the chance to be in them, and finish my first story on Wattpad. I would like to thank you all, so much.

I hope you liked the story so far & you will like the epilogue.

With much thanks Kathleen

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