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Draco's POV

I was strolling along the gravel pathways of Malfoy Manor's Garden in the morning mist. The small stones and sand crunching under my footsteps. I could feel ministry officials gazes on my back even though they were hidden by magic. They didn't trust me but why should they?

After what I'd done I imagined I would be in Azkaban along with my parents so I was still grateful for their mercy. I don't know why they didn't send me there they were about to convict me to what I had known would be a harsh punishment when I had been asked to leave the court room so they could 'discuss some more'. When I re-entered after an hour or so they told me I was free to go however the amount of magic I could do was limited and that the ministry would be watching me. It still puzzled me as to what had changed their minds.

As I wandered along I hummed an old nursery rhyme my mother had taught me as a child. The sky was a gloomy grey and the rose bushes surrounding me in prefect hedges were a deep green. The pops of red stood out and as I reached out towards one to pick it I felt a hand on my shoulder. I inhaled sharply and started to hyperventilate while turning around sharply to be met by the face of a ministry official. The contact had shocked me as I had been brought up to expect pain however the man just handed me a letter and apparated away.

I looked at the Hogwarts seal on the letter and headed back inside out of the cool air to open it. I sat in an arm chair in front of the fire slipping my gloves off and carefully sliding my nail under the seal opening the envelope to reveal a shiny piece of parchment with a gold tint. I dropped the envelope to the floor and focused on the cursive words inked on the page.  

I studied the list on the back and was pleased to find that I already owned nearly everything except for a few books I had never heard of

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I studied the list on the back and was pleased to find that I already owned nearly everything except for a few books I had never heard of. The decision of going back to Hogwarts or not would hopefully distract me for a few days from my constant worrying and fear I've been living in.

A few days after receiving the letter I had made the decision I was going back to Hogwarts. I had come to term with the fact that I would be greatly hated by the whole student body and that no-one would want to speak to me or associate with me. 

It would be hard but going to school would be a good distraction from everything that had happened in the past and the traumatic memories this house brought. I shuddered at the things that had happened here. I hated it. Soon my Father's court case would be settled and I would have the rights to this place and the whole Malfoy fortune. The first thing I'm doing is tearing this house down and starting a new legacy for the Malfoy name. One that's clean and pure. I never want the Malfoy name associated with dark magic again and all this house was is a reminder of how we used to be. How I used to be. I hate it. 

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