*Vic's POV*
I got home early today.
Why, you might ask. Well, the cops were at my work place again today and told us that they will be searching all of the workers' houses, just in case they found anything that has something to do with Smalls' death. After that, they sent us back home since they were still searching the venue.
As if they would find anything in there. Fucking idiots.
I can almost assure you that cops are the worst when it comes to finding a murdered. Well, that is if the killer isn't a complete moron and doesn't leave his fingerprints or something at the venue. These cases are just too stupid for their own good.
I, on the other hand, know that I'm pretty clever and good at what I do. I don't want to sound selfish, but I've already killed nine people and never got caught, so...
"What're you doing here so early?" Kellin asked as I stepped into the basement. He was sitting on the bed, reading one of the many books I left there earlier for him so he wouldn't die of boredom. I also kept him unchained 24/7, it's not like he could run away when the doors were locked, anyway.
"They let us go earlier, they're checking the venue out again and will also be searching our houses today so you'll have to hide for a while." I told him, sitting on the bed next to him. He looked up from his magazine and straight into my eyes, smirking.
"Well, it would be a shame if I made any noise when they arrive, wouldn't it?" He asked playfully. I almost laughed out loud at that. He probably thought that he had some kind of power over me. Little did he realize I had him wrapped around my finger. He liked me way too much to let out a single squeak and let them know someone else was in the house, we both knew that. Plus...
"Well, it's not like you'll be hidden in the house, is it?" I asked back, imitating his tone. His face dropped and he focused back on the book in his hands.
"Whatever." He mumbled, trying to look angry. And me, well, I couldn't help but laugh at his adorable face.
"You're cute when you do that." I admitted. He then dropped the book, glaring at me.
*Kellin's POV*
"What?" I asked quietly. Did he really just call me cute? Am I imagining things? Oh my, I'm going crazy. I should be admitted to a fucking asylum or some shit like that. I'm actually almost sure it's going to happen really soon if Vic won't stop saying stuff like this.
"Ugh, nothing." He groaned, burying his face in the crook of my neck and wrapping his arms around my waist. If I had ovaries they would freaking explode from all the cuteness. I felt his hair tickling the exposed skin on my neck. He sighed quietly, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine.
Although I didn't mind what he was doing at all, it felt a bit odd. Just a couple days ago I called him disgusting and now look at me, letting him cuddle into me.
He pulled away after a while, gazing into my eyes. "You should probably go and hide, I'm not really sure when they're coming so we better be prepared." He announced.
"Where am I going to hide when not in the house?" I asked him curiously. He just smiled before he took my hand and we headed up the stairs. He led me through the kitchen, to glass sliding doors. I could see this sort of a terrace and a huge garden with a huge amount of trees as I looked outside. And behind the fence, that was separating Vic's allotment from the forest, were only trees. Nothing else, the house was practically in the middle of nowhere, I mean, in the middle of a forest that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere.
"That's a really nice view, Vic, but I still don't get where I'm going to hide..." I told him. He just rolled his eyes, once again, not saying anything, and opened the door. He borrowed me a pair of shoes and led me further towards the trees.
"You have to climb over." He said, climbing over the fence. I did the same and then we went further to the forest. It was getting more and more scary. I looked behind us just to see that the house was almost out of my sight. There wasn't any path either, it was all just grassroots, needles and occasionally a snow. If he wanted to kill me, he could've just said it, I would have mentally prepared myself. I was about to ask him how long will it take to get there when I saw it.
There was a cabin to our left. It was really, really small one, for a single person, maybe two. We walked towards the small shelter, unlocking it and walking inside. Vic turned on the light and I have to admit that it looked much better than from the outside. There was a small kitchen-like corner to our right and in front of us was a ladder that led to a bed. It looked much more full than Vic's whole house. But again, Vic's house was much bigger that the little shelter so it seemed more empty. I also noticed that there were windows, but they were all locked. I mean, I could try to break them and run away, but Vic would probably chase after me and then kill me for trying to escape. Not to mention that I had no idea which way to run.
"Will you be alright in here for a while?" Vic asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Okay, I better go now." He said, walking out of the door. I heard him lock it and with that he was gone. I sat on this couch-like thingie beside a window and stared out.
"She rings like a bell through the night and wouldn't you love to love her?" I sang along to Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. Couple hours ago, I found an old gramophone and loads of different vinyl records and since I've always loved Fleetwood Mac, I put in their record, singing and dancing along with a blanket around my shoulders. I'm practically twins with Stevie Nicks if you didn't know.
"She rules her life like a bird in flight and who will be-"
"Well, that sure is impressive." I heard from behind me. I turned around, a spoon still in my hand since I used it as a microphone, and there stood Vic, leaning against the door frame with his arms folded and a smirk on his face. I blushed in embarrassment.
"I, uhm, I was just, y'know...whatever." I mumbled, sitting down on the couch.
"It's alright, I kind of liked it. Plus you have a really nice voice." Vic smiled. Why was he acting so kind? Is that what killers are supposed to act like? I do not think so. I guess Vic's a special one...occasionally.
"Uhm, thanks." I shot him a confused look.
"Yeah, anyway, can we go back or you're gonna continue moving that ass?" He teased, smirking at me once again.
"Haha, very funny." I said, walking out the door. Vic followed, locking it behind us before we headed back to the house. It was a bit quiet during the walk there so I spoke up...
"So, how did it go? The cops and stuff..." I asked, looking at Vic. He just shrugged, looking forward.
"They haven't found anything, just as I thought. They're way too stupid." He grinned at me.
I just nodded, looking down at my feet. I'm not quite sure how did he manage to explain the bed with chains in the basement, but apparently, he was smart enough to hide all the evidence about him being a serial killer so it probably wasn't any trouble for him to cover up something as stupid as a bed with chains hanging down from it...
Hey there, the picture on the side is what the tiny cabin looks like inside. It's so freaking cute, I just wanna live in there :) I got the photo from Tumblr so credits go to the photographer and the owner of the cabin. Also, if you didn't get the Stevie Nicks reference, it's there because she wears kerchiefs around her shoulders, got it? Kellin+blanket=Stevie+kerchief
Okay, I'm just gonna leave you to it...
Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Daggers Speak Louder Than Words (Kellic)
FanfictionTo Kellin, Vic seems like a normal guy, living a normal life. That opinion, however, changes the second Kellin sees Vic killing a person.