Victoria clears her throat pulling me out of my thoughts. "My dad told Troy he could go to the council meeting if he wanted, but you know what he said? No! When I ask if I can go in his place he tells me I'm "too young". I mean come on I'm only a year younger than Troy anyway." She starts ranting about Aidan and how he's too overprotective for like the hundredth time since she got here. To be fair Aidan can be a bit stubborn when it comes to certain things he allows Troy to do and not Victoria, but I also know Della keeps the balance between them all.

"If it makes you feel any better he was the same way with me when I was little." I try and reassure her it has nothing to do with her. She ignores my reassurance by rolling her eyes and handing me my folded up shirts we picked out earlier. I push down on my clothes trying to compress and make them all fit into the suitcase. The meetings will last a few days so I have to pack quite a few outfits, which show by how hard I'm struggling to zip my suitcase. It can't help that I overpack for every trip we go on.

"Anyway how's Carl doing?" Victoria wiggles her eyebrow at me. Here we go again. I'm pretty sure Victoria has a small crush on Carl despite here obsession with us becoming a couple, which isn't going to happen. The first day Victoria was here Carl came over to hang out not knowing she was here. I explained to Carl that I wouldn't be able to hang out because I'd be spending all my time with Victoria while she was here. He understood completely and told me to not get into too much trouble without him. When he left waving as he walked out the back door I thought for sure I was going to have to pinch Victoria to make her snap out of it.

"He's doing fine. Now stop wiggling your eyebrows. You know a relationship with anyone is the last thing I want nor need at the moment." I roll my eyes at her innocent pouting face. It may work for Aidan, Emeric, and my dads but it isn't going to trick me. It's moments like this that remind me Victoria is still just a child. Her intelligence makes me forget she's only thirteen.

"Girls breakfast is ready!" Ryder's voice travels up the stairs. I finish shoving the last few items into my suitcase zipping it up with much resistance. Victoria and I make our way down the stairs and into the kitchen only to see all the food packed up in containers. I turn to dad with furrowed eyebrows as he rushes around the room making sure he has everything cleaned up. "I'm sorry, but we're a bit behind schedule this morning, so we are going to eat breakfast in the car on the way to Della's." I sigh knowing I have to go all the way back upstairs to grab my bag. Turning around to begin my trek to retrieve my heavy ass suitcase a knock at our front door distracts me. Victoria whips her head in my direction smirking at me.

"I'll get your bag while you go talk to lover boy." She giggles skipping out of the room while Ryder's looks at me with raised eyebrows. As much as I hate to admit it I know they think the same thing as Victoria does. Every night at dinner they always ask a how my days was with Carl, or what we did even though I remind them each time Carl and I's relationship is purely plectonic and that's all it will ever be.

"He's not my lover boy!" I huff out stomping my way to the front door. Ryder raises his hands in a surrender motion even though his expression contrasts his innocence.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Ryder yells back, and I can hear Victoria's faint laughter coming from upstairs. Ignoring their remarks I unlock and swing the door open revealing a smiling Carl. He's dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt so I know he's not on his way to training. I'm trying to remember if I told him about the meeting.

"Hey I just thought I would come say bye before you leave." He blushes slightly stuffing his hands in his pockets. I guess I did tell him about the meeting. I step outside shutting the door behind me so we don't have to worry about Victoria evesdropping in on our conversation.

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