Start of a New Journey(Ch.2)

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     Sometime while sleeping I had a terrible night-mare about the taints, watching me and every second their thirst grew until they could not maintain themselves any longer. The taints lunged at me. I could feel no pain, I didn't even see myself anymore. My mind was blank. After wards, I fell to what seemed like a dreamless sleep.

     I woke up after about 7 hours of sleeping. According to the cathedral clock it was 7:30 AM. I opened the cathedrals back doors and, to my surprise, I could see ghosts running errands around the spacious grave-yard.

"Ey! It's that mortal girl Vince was talking about!" yelled a young ghost woman with hair like Repanzull.

She yanked at the end of my hair and muttered something so silently that I could not even put together what she said. I stared at her puzzled, but just let the statement go.

"Where's Vince?" I asked

"Sleepin' in the church. Mortal boy's tired." 

     All I did was nod in understanding. My mind raced back to the taint following me and I unintentionally gripped onto the cross necklace. The same second I touched it, a spark went through me. It was not painful nor was it pleasant. It was an out of the ordinary spark. Suddenly images rushed through my head: The taints, items, locations. It must've meant something, like answers coming to me. But, as fast as they came they came they left.  It was just enough time for me to memorize them.

     As I went along with my business I felt someone tug on my brown hair. I yelped in pain and jumped forward, making it hurt even more.

"Hah! Scared you, didn't I?" said a familiar voice

I turned around only to find Vince with a smile on his face from ear to ear. 

"Why so happy?" I asked

"I was researching and I found out that the taints are not indestructible." he said

"Ok... ?" I replied in confusion

"Well, if we defeat them all it seals the gates between our worlds that was opened so many years by the queens mage." Vince replied

"What do you mean we? You're not gonna come!" I protested

"I've been raised in this cathedral my whole life. Reading every book there is, being taught by the worlds greatest and I trained everyday of my life to master the art of swordsmanship. I was trained by my master until he was assasinated." he explained

"Plus, I'm older and what I say goes" he reminded me

"Fine." I said apologetically

     I told Vince what happened when I had touched the cross and how we should collect the items I saw because they might be of use to us. Of course, he agreed. It was only a matter of time before all the items were collected. We obtained the following: a robbit bow, arrows and an archer book. I carried the bow in my hands and placed the arrows in my quiver. 

     I paced around the perimeter of the graveyard. I was wondering what happened to the taint that was following me. Thinking and thinking until my mind faded and there were no longer any distractions. I was in some sort of trans until Vince snapped in front of my face.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Um... yeah." I replied in a small voice

Together we walked out of the graveyard. The air was fresh and the trees around us were a colour of green I had not noticed until now. Everything seemed so still. But, I knew that somewhere in this forest the taints are abundant and waiting for me. I had no idea that this was the start of a new journey.

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