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  • Dedicated to AJ

You know...

You're going to end up old and alone

I've seen all the ones that came after 

I've seen them all fall apart

And you treat them all the same

You could have good times, good memories, and laughter

But you're just way too mean

Why can't you see 

You're creating that future

And you're being mean to yourself

I could have let you make me bitter

And miserable for the rest of my life

Ain't nobody got time for that...


Our son and daughter have it figured out

That all you are is mean

How come you can't see

They love you, but they don't like you

They see you lying

To everyone around you 

Our son tells me he can't stand it

He tells me everything

And all I can do is cry

Because there's nothing I can do

To protect him

From your mean.

Our daughter tells me you tell her things

Mean things about me

That are not true

But she knows I do care

She's still her mother's child

And you know...

You're going to end up old...

And alone.

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