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Roman hung back as Patton grabbed his mate dragging him over to Virgil who was still staring over at the other alpha. Roman never met his gaze but the others could tell Virgil was anxious. It wasn't that hard to tell, Virgil's stance had changed immediately. Could you really blame him though... The moment he saw Roman it was like something burned in him. The air was filled with Lavender and Lillies... It made his head swim. 

"This is Logan, my boyfriend. Logan... this is Virgil." Logan's eyes narrowed as Virgil seemed to not hear Patton at all. "Virge, you ok?"

"Huh?" Virgil frowned as he looked over to see Patton giving him this worried look.

"You aren't still not feeling well are you?" Patton placed the back of his hand on Virgil's forehead only to quickly reel back feeling Virgil's skin literally burn him. "Kiddo?"

"I'm fine, just uh... I'm fine." Roman frowned as he listened in to the conversation. He could smell wolf bad in this place. It was clearly claimed property but... Virgil didn't smell like a wolf. In fact, he smelt... off. Patton wasn't kidding when he said Virgil smelt weird. Virgil's scent totally threw him off. He couldn't distinguish anything but that and he didn't really like it.

"Sorry, to be so sudden but... Might I inquire if you have dogs?" Virgil's eyes narrowed as he smiled awkwardly. 

"Does the place smell that bad? Maybe I should invest in those smelly things." The group seemed to all frown as Virgil laughed lightly. At this point, he was just trying to hide the fact that the scent in the air made his head spin. He didn't understand it. He loved lavenders and Lillies. Not only were they his favorite flowers but the smell was his favorite too. However, now it was making him feel so... light and he wasn't happy about it. It was honestly startling him a bit. "I uh... There's three." Roman's eyes shot up to find Virgil once again staring at him and he frowned. Three... meaning wolves. Three wolves have moved in on his territory. Roman was beyond pissed but... something was telling him not to be. 

"Uh, kiddo?" Virgil cringed as he looked over to see Patton slowly looking around at all the pictures in the room. "These paintings..." Roman's eyes went impossibly wide seeing just how many look like him.

"They all look like..." Roman couldn't look away from them. It wasn't that he was egotistical or anything. Yes, they looked like him but... They were honestly works of art. And if Roman was anything, it was a sucker for the arts. "...like me."

"I hadn't noticed." Logan's eyes narrowed hearing the obvious shake in Virgil's voice as the other's eyes darted about anxiously. Virgil's heart was racing as the scent sent him reeling. He could feel this... heat? He gulped down this burning in him as his anxiety tore through him. He didn't understand what was happening and he was terrified. Why was the scent messing with him? What was it... Was it them? If so, who the fuck smelt like his favorite fucking flowers?! 

"Virgil..." Logan jumped slightly as Virgil's eyes darted to him so suddenly. Something was telling him something was wrong. "Patton mentioned you're from Fairview?"

"If this is about Colt, I don't want to..." Virgil suppressed a whimper as he shook his head trying to clear the fog away. It wasn't that it hurt. Virgil wasn't in pain at all. It was just that he couldn't think straight... literally. He couldn't think 'STRAIGHT'. His mind was flooded with all these feelings and urges. His wolf... Shit. Virgil's eyes went wide as he stepped back with a smile to hide the way he swayed slightly. Everything in him was pushing him towards the alpha in the back. He wasn't entirely sure for what reason. He didn't know if he wanted to kiss or kill him but whatever the reason, Roman was at the forefront of his mind. That very man was still enthralled by the art. Far too lost in the beauty to notice the intense staring. "Forget it. What's your question?"

"Remus Trebaine." Virgil sighed as he stuffed his hands into his pocket with a nod. 

"What about him?"

"Is he alive?"

"LOGI!!!" Virgil just laughed shocking everyone even Roman who stopped his artistic admiration to find Logan shooting him this confused look.

"Right to the chase huh? I like you. You're pretty clean-cut... professional." Logan faltered a bit at the comment noticing that familiar buzz he usually felt when Roman praised him. "It's a good type of presence to put out there. Similar to my friend Dee." Virgil's eyes shined as he chuckled moving to look through some boxes. "He's pretty serious too but if you really pay attention he's actually pretty soft."

"Dee?" Virgil nodded pulling out this book with a beaming smile as he turned to hand it to Patton. 

"Janus Dee Wayne." Roman's eyes widened as he jumped over to see Patton holding a yearbook. The Alpha quickly took the book from him and went about searching it for answers.

"Colt's second in..." The trio jumped at the sudden sound of something falling only to find Virgil picking up the box he had been leaning on. "What?"

"Sorry, I just... I don't want to hear his name." Logan's eyes narrowed as his skin crawled. He may not be good with emotions but he's observant and good at reading people. Virgil hated Colt. It was clear as day. Meanwhile, Virgil knelt down to pick up everything only to freeze as Roman went to help. The moment Roman knelt down beside him Virgil's whole body went rigid. His entire being burned to pull him close and Virgil literally jumped with terror. He didn't understand it and not having the information was making him scared. He was about to panic at this point. "Out." 

"Kiddo?" Virgil literally growled and Roman tensed up feeling the immediate sense of danger crawling down his spine. His gift was drowning him with the sudden sense. He was no longer permitted here. Patton reached out seeing the fear in Virgil only to stop as Virgil shook his head. 

"GET OUT!"  Virgil's eyes welled with tears but he refused to cry in front of them. "Please?"

"Of course kiddo." Patton only smiled as he slowly started to lead Logan out who was just staring at Virgil in confusion. Roman slowly got to his feet gripping the yearbook tightly as Virgil struggled to blink the tears away. "Roman?"

"Are you ok, Virgil?" Roman frowned as Virgil slowly met his eyes and it was like something snapped in him. "Vir..."

"I need you to go please, Roman." The alpha bit his lip as he held back from trying to comfort the man. 

"Do you..." Roman went to hand back the book but Virgil just shook his head. 

"We've got two others in the house. I just... you can come back again. A-All o-of you. I swear, open invitation..." Roman's eyes went wide as he spotted a tear finally fall. Virgil was quick to wipe it away but it was too late. Roman had seen it.

"I'll see you again then, Virgil." Virgil froze up as Roman kissed his knuckles and smiled. "Patton said you offered portraits." Virgil's hand buzzed with electricity just at Roman's touch. He wanted to melt into it and that sparked a whole new panic. "I'd love to see what you can do with a group one. If you want that is." Virgil didn't answer. He just stood there frozen as tears spilled freely. Roman let the door close behind him and he frowned holding his hand close to his chest with narrowed eyes. He felt the buzz. It wasn't strong for him, unlike with Virgil, but... He felt it. The moment he touched Virgil he felt this slight spark.

"Roman?" Logan shifted uncomfortably as Roman just stared ahead. "Ro?" Logan took a deep breath before brushing his hair back with narrowed eyes. "Alpha."

"Yes?" Roman frowned more seeing the concern in his second in command. "Logan, what's wrong?"

"We need to go." Logan looked between his mate and his alpha before smiling sadly. Roman just nodded as his grip on the yearbook tightened even more.

"Right... Let's go home."

Full Moon~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now