Ross's POV:

Ross: Mom...?


Ross: Mom?!?

Still no answer. Her eyes were closing.


It had been too late. Her eyes were fully closed now. Her hand in mine hung loose now. The warm, soft hand now turned ice cold. I was too late. The Demond bite had killed her. I stare at her, feeling dark emotions swarm inside of me. Anger. Sadness. Guilt. Everything.

I shakily stand up off the ground. I kept my eyes locked on my mothers body. The tears are pouring out if me like waterfalls. Suddenly, the anger inside of me starts to take over my sadness. My hands crunch up into fists. I then start to scream. Horrible howls I only let out when I become the hideous Wolf Boy everyone knows me for.

I punch at the walls. I kick the doors. I throw glass cases in all directions. My beloved mother is gone. My father has disappeared. Why is life suddenly crashing down right on tip of me? This night was going so well. Until the Demond's came.

I began to loose my breath from all the punching. I gave the wall one last slam, then rested my forehead on the cold wall in front of me. My hands rested against the wall as well. I was breathing heavily. My mind began to empty. Nothing mattered to me at the moment. One of the people I loved most, just left me. It wasn't her fault. She left too soon.

I could hear my siblings running towards me down the hall. I kept my eyes squeezed shut. They all crowded around me.

Rydel: Ross, what's wrong??

Rocky: Hey, are you alright man?

I ignored their questions as my tears continued to fall. I then suddenly heard another scream. It was easily identified as Rydel. I knew she had saw the horrifying image of our mother, dead on the ground. The comforting hands on my shoulders from my siblings slid off and ran in the direction if Rydel. I could tell by the silence among them, they knew what was going on.

I finally opened my eyes. I was alone where I was, but down the hall I could hear the weeps of my family. What are we suppose to do? How can we live here with no mother or father to take care of us? How will our lives go on? I lifted up my head and looked to my left. I worked up every piece if strength I had and started walking in the direction of my family.

I rounded the corner to find them all gathered around our mother. I held in the tears that still wanted to make their way out. I walked passed the group and continued slowly down the hall.

Rydel: W-Where are you going? 'she stutters'

I stopped for a small moment and took a silent deep breath.

Ross: I'm going to get Laura.

Laura's POV:

I rubbed my arms, getting colder and colder by the second. I could hear banging and crashing upstairs. Each abnormal sound made me jump. I was so worried about Ross and his family. Were they alright? Were they hurt? I couldn't think clearly.

I waited a but longer in the dark closet. Everything had been strangely quiet for a few minutes. I wonder if the Demond's have left. My legs began to fall asleep from standing for so long. But I needed to stay calm and strong. This was a life and death situation.

After a few minutes more, I began to hear slow footsteps walking above me. I froze. I held my breath. I could hear my heart beat increase. Then for a split second, everything went silent. Was the person gone? Did they leave? As if answering my question, I heard a slow creak up above. It sounded like the door to this basement. I began to panic.

Beauty And The Beast (A Raura FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें