As soon as was conscious his surroundings, he took a brief intake of air, not a gasp but somewhat along the lines of one. Adachi was taken aback by her presence up close.

"Protect her with your life. Second Chances are what everyone wishes for."

"Goddammit..."he mumbled, slowly getting up form the couch. "I slept in pretty long huh?"

"Yeah, but it's okay, I sorta slept in a bit as well."the young female admitted, letting out a small laugh.

Adachi felt a bit uncomfortable with Margaret's request, it kept bothering him and he knew, it would continue on. Still, he let out a scoff.

"Well then kiddo, I think we should get the house ready, the kid will be coming home today." He ruffled Minako's hair.



For now, we return to the protagonist of this story, Nanako, while Adachi and Minako clean the house together. Nanako was up to something similar to Adachi, it was the night where she stayed over at Osaka.

Nanako had woken in the middle of the night, it was almost a habit niw, having to wake up just to attend the Midnight Session. It couldn't be helped at this point. Even so, the child wandered around, thinking that she might find something here, but it was okay if she didn't since, in her head, it made sense.

The lighting of the night was just as any other Midnight Session, but this time she wasn't afraid. One thing was for sure, Nanako wished ever so badly, that the floorboards beneath her wouldn't creak because, at times, she felt like something was following her. The skimppering feeling constantly tickled her spine, her breath became heavier.

She turned her head around in fear, feeling a strong gust of wind passing by her harshly.

Nanako reached over to where the wind was, grasping something almost wet but surely mucky.

"Sh-shadows here too?" The young teen ran down the lhall and opened a closet, quickly grabbed the broom and thrusted it towards the eerky figure.

Instead of causing damage to it, the broomstick went right through the shadow, its mucky substance staining the rod.

"What the-, I'm screwed." Nanako felt her palms sweating, she took a step backwards.

The shadow lunged towards the child, Nanako held the broom upward in hopes that she wouldn't get hit, it was quite foolish, she knew as she crashed landed on the floor, her hand dragged against the chipped wooden floorboard.

Nanako got up, blood gushing from her hand. Looking upwards, she felt another gust of wind pass her, but this time it felt much lighter and lasted less than a millisecond. It flew by twice, three times and a couple more.

"Nana-chan, you need to be more careful! Normal attacks won't affect shadows at all!" The voice had a bit of a rasp but the end was feminine.

"Naoto-san!"the child rushed towards the detective. "Thank you, but doesn't that mean your attacks were useless as well?"

"Yes well, I have something that does work. I hope, it's been a while anyways." Naoto tipped her hat, letting a small grin escape her teeth from under. She raised her hand upwards, reaching for the sky. "Persona!"

Immideatily, the shadow lunged towards her, knocking the adult off her feet just as harsh as Nanako. "Nghn, damn it."

"Nao-san!" Nanako kneeled over, tending to the fallen.

The shadow grew bigger, it was starting to take shape. It looked familiar, something from the past, from both of their hearts.

Naoto's expression changed drastically. It was a mix of anger but she also felt anxiety, was she...afraid?

Persona 4: Let's Go Nanako! [Discontinued,skip to last chapter for details]Where stories live. Discover now