Chapter 11-Friday Fight Night

Start from the beginning

Work out with the boys? Sounds fun. "Can I come?" I asked and luke stopped and turned to look at me. He blinked. 

"Um, sure. If you want." He said unsure. 

I smiled. "Cool." 

His eyes widened and he blinked some more as I walked past him. I already had the door open and when I didn't hear any footsteps behind me I turned to Luke who was staring at me like i was some crazy person. 

"You comin' or what?" I asked, looking at him like he was the crazy person. 

He shook his head. "Um yeah. Lets go. Bye Mom! Bye Dad! I have Sky with me!" 

"Take care my babies!" Mom yelled from upstairs. 

Me and Luke rolled our eyes as we walked out. The fact that my mom still calls me baby is in a way upsetting. For one thing, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself now. Second, I hate being called that by my parents. It's slightly annoying and another thing I'm not used to. We hopped in Luke's car and drove over to wherever the hell Adam lived.

The car ride was quiet and I didn't mind. When we pulled into a big parking lot full of cars and in front of a big building. Luke parked the car and we got out. There were a couple of guys out side leaning against the walls smoking. Luke put his arm protectively around my shoulders as we walked to the front door. The guys we passed eyed me and earned a death glare from Luke. We walked in and my eyes widened a fraction. There in the center of this big building filled with work out equipments was a big boxing ring. A bunch of guys were standing around in work out clothes or just shirtless and If I was any other girl, I probable would have been blushing like crazy right now but I wasn't. 

It might be strange to say this or crazy but I felt something in me relax as I eyes the ring and seen two guys going at it. This, was my scene. This was what I grew up in. I didn't feel scared or anything. Just calm. Luke tugged me forward and he set his bag down in the corner. None of the guys noticed me because they were too focused on the fight in the ring. And that was fine by me. Me and Luke walked to the other side of the ring and met up with some tall blonde guy in a cut off shirt, shorts and no shoes. He had wraps on his hands. He noticed Luke and smirked as we made our way to him. 

"Luke Dawson. You made it. And, this must be the lovely Skylar Dawson." The blonde hottie said. 

I snorted. "Lovely? Not likely." I said. 

He chuckled. "Well then, feisty I take it." I nod and he smirked and held out his hand. "I'm Adam. And this is FFN (Fiday Fight Night)." Adam said, gesturing around him. 

"I see." I said, looking around. 

"So, who are you fighting today?" Adam asked and I turned to look at him but he was asking my brother. 

"Whoever wants to go up." Luke said. 

I looked at Luke. "You know how to fight?" I asked. 

"Of course. Me and Jason had to do something while you were....we just picked up a new hobby." Luke said quickly. 

"Well well, looks like I'm not the only badass in the family." I smirked. 

"You know how to fight too?" Adam asked and i turned to him, still smirking. 

I shrugged. "Only God knows." I said. 

He chuckled. "You don't give much away do you?" Adam said. 


He smiled. "I like that." 

Yeah yeah. I looked over his shoulder at the two guys in the ring. One of the guys was a sandy blonde haired guy and the other guy had jet black hair. The sandy blonde haired dude had his arm around the guy with the jet black hair's neck, locking him in between his right arm and the side of his body. 

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