Chapter 2

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So, this is were Jake and Puck will catch up.

  "I'm not going to be gone for day," Puck says to Ryley, "I'm just heading to the Starbucks near our buliding to meet up with Jake. We really need to get to know each other."
"Good luck, baby." Ryley says, using her better arm to pull Puck in for a kiss.
"Yuck." Santana says, gagging.
"You guys are cute and all but just a little bit too cute." Kurt says.
"I'm not even this cute with Finn sometimes." Rachel says.
Puck leaves the hospital room. Ryley sighs as the door closes on him.
"You'll survive," Quinn stands up from her spot on the seat across the room, "It's not like he has your life support."
"He could though." Ryley mumbles.
"Well, we all know that you are going through a rough time right now with being in that car accident but you need to move on with your life." Kurt says.
"Shut up Kurt." Ryley says.
Kurt looks shocked but breathes it off and walks to the seat Quinn just left from.
"I think what Kurt was trying to say was that you need to take this one step at a time and slowly move away from all this drama." Rachel says.
"I know, I know." Ryley says.
"And we will all be by your side the entire time." Santana says.
"Totally." Brittany says.
"How? You all have lives." Ryley says.
"Blaine can look after our little Barbra." Kurt says.
"Chris is with Finn's parents." Rachel says.
"Cody's with mine." Santana says.
"Puck could take the twins and Elijah to his mom's place." Quinn says.
"The only thing Puck wants to worry about is getting to know his brother." Ryley says.
"He has a brother?" Rachel, Kurt, Santana, Brittany and Quinn say in unison.
Ryley smiles at her friends, "It's a long story so you might as well take a seat and I'll explain everything I know about Jake Puckerman."


  Puck fidgeted with his thumbs as he sat at the table outside Starbucks. Jake hadn't arrived yet and he was kind of nervous already. His coffee cup sat on the table in front of him, full of untouched coffee that was hopefully still warm. Puck had to take a sip. He lifted the cup, gulped down a few mouthfulls then slammed it back down on the table, sighing.
"Noah." A voice says from behind Puck. It's Jake - with a girl.
"Hey Jake." Puck says, standing up to greet his brother and his brother's date.
"Hey Noah," Jake's date coughs after he says hey, "This is my girlfriend, Marley Rose."
"Hi." Marley says, shaking Puck's hand.
"Um, sit down. I only got a two chairred one so one of you may need to grab another chair." Puck says, sitting down. Marley sits down while Jake grabs another chair.
"What's New York like for you, Noah?" Jake asks.
"Well, first I like being called Puck," Puck coughs, "But New York is fine. I teach guitar at a music store that a few of my friends work at with me. My friend Finn teaches drums, my friend Blaine teaches vocals and my other friends, Brittany and Mike teach a bit of dance. Another friend, Sam runs the music store part. What do you two do?" Puck explains.
"I'm a cop as you can tell but I want to quit soon to do a bit of singing," Jake sits up a bit more, "It's what Marley and I both want to do some singing as a profession."
"Ryley's a singer." Puck points out.
"I love your wife's singing. She's really good." Marley says.
"I'd like to hear you guys sing one time. Maybe if your good enough, Ryley could talk with Leon, her manager about getting you guys signed to his label." Puck says, with a smile.
Jake and Marley smile at each other and Jake speaks up, "That sounds awesome. I just want to get out of my stupid gig as a cop."
"Well, you got Becca to confess to the attempted murder so that's a good thing." Puck says.
"I feel so sorry for Ryley about all that's happened to her. I'd love to just give her a hug and tell her I'm sorry." Marley says.
"Maybe later you could." Puck says.


Puck returned to see Ryley asleep. She had a few tear stains on her cheeks and Puck saw something he hoped to never see on his wife;
A cut. On her wrist.
People who are depressed do that and Ryley isn't depressed. Well, not that he knows. Puck lifts Ryley's hand up and studies the cut. It's fresh since a bit of blood drips out and lands on the bed sheet. Kurt, Rachel, Quinn, Santana and Brittany must of left then Ryley did this.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and calls up someone.
"Hello?" The person he calls answers.
"Hey Rachel. Did Ryley seem depressed at all when you guys were in her hospital room?" Puck asks.
"A little. Why?" Rachel asks.
"She has a cut on her wrist. It's fresh."
"She must have cut it when she before she went to sleep."
"Should we all come over to talk with her?"
Puck looks at his wife while thinking then says into the phone, "I'll call you guys when she's awake. Bye Rachel."
"Bye Noah. Good luck." Rachel hangs up.
Puck studies the cut on her wrist again. This is what he feared may happen to the love of his life.


Ryley wakes up and looks at the place where she cut her wrist. A plaster is stuck on it. She never stuck that on then she sees Puck's jacket on the chair next to her bed. She frowns at the plaster that her husband put on her cut. She wanted to feel the pain her now dead child felt.
Puck enters the room with his phone in his hand.
"Hey." Ryley says.
"Hey." Puck says. He sits next to Ryley in the chair.
"Who were on the phone with?" Ryley asks.
"My mom," Puck says, "The reason that I was is because she's going to come and pick up Elijah, Nate and Aroha and take them back to Lima with her for a while."
"Why!?" Ryley shouts.
"You aren't in a position to look after them." Puck answers.
Ryley takes a couple deep breathes then starts picking at the plaster on her arm. Puck puts his hand over the plaster for her to stop. She glares at him but he sends her a look of worry. She pulled her hand away and wraps it around her body. He puts his hand on his away and leaves with his phone is his hand.
Ryley reaches the small pair of scissors on the table. They had dried up blood from her previous cut and now they'll have more blood on them. She presses the scissors to her skin and blood spits out. It was on a vein so more blood comes out than before. Just to be safe, she grabs a plaster and sticks it on the new cut.


Puck dialled Rachel's number.
"Are you ready for us to come, Noah?" Rachel asks, knowing it was Puck immediately from caller ID.
"Yup," Puck says, "Please help her. I'm heading out to check in on the music store and then met up with my Mom. How fast can you guys be?"
"We're actually almost there since we expected you to call soon." Rachel says.
"And we're psychic!" Santana shouts in the background followed by the sound of Brittany, Quinn and Kurt giggling.
"So how far are you away from the hospital?"
"At least a few minutes."
"Seeya soon."
"Bye Noah." Silence comes from Rachel's end.
Puck returns to Ryley's room, "I'm going to be heading out to check out the music store then I've got to meet up with my mom, babe." Puck says to Ryley.
"Don't leave me alone." Ryley begs. Puck sees her right arm that had one cut on it before again. A second cut with a plaster on it sits below it with a large dot of blood on it.
"Did you cut again?" Puck asks.
Ryley covers her arm with her hand and pouts. Puck sees the scissors next to the bed and puts them in his jacket pocket after he puts his jacket on.
"The girls and Kurt will be here soon." Puck says. After that he goes cold and the room is silent until Rachel, Kurt, Santana, Brittany and Quinn arrive then Puck leaves.


Thanks For Reading!
Now this is turning into some of my best writing yet in my opinion.
It's going to get even sadder on Ryley's end.


The New Glee Clubber Part 4: The StruggleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora