Chapter 5

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August 19th

The next morning I wake up extra early to catch the bus. When I get on I sit next to a scary looking girl. She has really high arched brows that are filled in, and stick straight black hair. Her clothes are a little revealing.

“Hi.” I say to her but she has headphones in.

“Hey.” I wave my hand in front of her faced. She looks annoyed.

“What?” she growls.

“I was just saying hi.” She’s definitely not a morning person.

“Mhmm.” She puts her headphones back in.

“Okay then…” I say only loud enough for me to hear.

“Ashley’s not a big people person.” The girl in the seat next to me says.

“I can tell.” I laugh.

“What’s your name?” the girl asks.

“Lacey. Yours?”

“Allison.” She smiles. “I recognize you from class.”

“Which class?” I ask.

“Abnormal psychology. I see your friends with Marly.”

“Um I guess you could say that.” I shrug my shoulders.

“She used to be my friend.” Allison tells me.

“Oh what happened?”

“I kissed her boyfriend.” Oh you’re her.

“Oh.” I have nothing else to say to that.

“At a party while I was drunk and he was too. She can’t hold that against me.” She adds.

“Oh that sucks.” Please stop talking.

“Have you met him?”

“Met who?” I ask.


“Yeah he gave me a ride to school yesterday.”

“Could you maybe tell him to call me? He left some of his stuff in my car.”

“Uh sure.” I turn away from her; thankfully the school is in front of us.

The bus stops and I hurry off. I run to the 3rd building.


When I get to lunch I find the table I was at the day before.

“Lacey how are we?” Nik asks in a high pitched voice making me laugh.

“We’re good.”

“Liking school?” He keeps the conversation going.

“Very much.” I take a bite of my pasta.

“Are you busy Friday?” he asks.

“Unpacking.” I tell him.

“You should come out with us. We go to this club to watch my friends play. Its fun and they don’t card so you don’t have to worry.”

“Oh uh I don’t know.” I stutter. I’ve never been to a club before.

“You’re coming no arguing!” Marly says.

“Okay.” I say defeated.

“Hey you.” Daniel takes a seat beside me.

“Ooh question!”

“What is it?” he laughs.

“Are you going to the club Friday?”

“What? No? Are you?”

“Yes… they want me to.”

“Lacey that’s not a place girls like you should go.” He sighs.

“What do you mean… girls like me?” I narrow my eyes.

“No not like that.” He shakes his head. “You’re just a good girl, you shouldn’t go.”

“You don’t even know me. How would you know what kind of girl I am?” I say feeling like I have something to prove.

“I know more than anyone at this table. I just advise you not to go.” His face heatens and turns a bright red.

“Well I’m going to go whether you do or not.” I stand my ground.

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