Down below, Iron Baron cackled maniacally. A few of the Hunters also followed suit, exhilarated by the thrill of the hunt and the next beast they expected to face.

    Hearing the pained cries of his brothers and the laughing of the Hunters enraged Cole. He so wanted to punch them.

    Soon enough, a slew of dragons approached, curious to see what all the ruckus was about. Very few escaped. 

    Cole and Wu had to hide away and stay out from underfoot for the most part, always making sure to keep a watchful eye on the tortured Ninja. Unfortunately, this meant they could do little to rescue any dragons or help their friends.

    The day had been chaotic but the night was more so. Everyone was rushing around in the dark, trying to corral the almost overwhelming number of dragons. 

    The most bloody part of the night took place when a pack of eighteen drakes tore through the Hunters' camp. A few cornered an apprentice and managed to bite his arm clean off. Fortunately, he survived. To subdue all of the wild, wingless creatures, the Hunters had to kill almost half of them. 

    In a truly terrifying show of power, Heavy Metal leapt onto the back of a fleeing Lightning Wyvern and literally wrestled it to the ground. 

    The rising of the large sun was a wonderfully welcomed sight for the foreigners. Finally, the Ninja were taken down from the horrible scaffold.

    Thanks to his Element, Jay was mostly fine.

    Kai had spikier hair and a vague smell of smoke about him.

    Being a Nindroid, the electricity messed with Zane circuits a lot more than the other two. His left eye flickered and he spasmed every once in a while.

    Exhausted, the Hunters trudged home, their prizes in tow. However, their leader was not pleased at all. Firstbourne had not shown up. Out of the many dragons captured, she was the only one he cared about killing. Knowing he was in a mood, the others were very careful to give him plenty of space.

    "I can't believe the coward didn't show her face tonight," grumbled Iron Baron to himself. Still, his people had miraculously managed to meet the quota he had set thanks to the Elemental people. He begrudgingly let them spend the scorching daylight hours relaxing once they arrived back at camp.

    The few people that had been left behind during the hunt were tasked with wrangling the wild dragons into cages. Chew Toy was madly excited by the prospect of fresh entertainment for the Pit. 

    The captured Ninja were thrown into the same cell they were in yesterday when they were forced to fight Ultra. They didn't put up much of a fuss and sank exhaustedly into the mounds of hay left for them in there. Being forced to use their Elements the entire night had zapped a lot of their strength. 

    Cole and Wu also hunkered down during the heat of the day. Since they obviously didn't own a hut, they contented themselves in the shade of a random building. They both slept undisturbed. 

    The Earth Ninja was the first to awaken a couple of hours later. He blearily looked around him while stretching. He was so sore! The sun was still high and waves of heat could be seen rising from the sand. 

    Resisting the urge to wipe his sweat away and risk smearing his disguise, he stood up, quickly realizing how thirsty and hungry he was. He looked over at the young, still sleeping Wu then surveyed the area around them. It was secluded, so he didn't see any harm in venturing out alone to scavenge for something to bring back for when the little guy woke up.

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