I then decided to sit on the edge of the ship and dangle my legs in the air.The wind blew in my face and hair.I was enjoying it when suddenly it became really windy?Oh I better get down .I was getting up but my leg slipped and I fell into the ocean.
i tried to keep my head up and I started calling for help,water got in my eyes and up nose .I started to flap my arms trying to get a signal but nothing .I screamed for help but nothing.My arms started to hurt so I gave up and then my body just laid on the water and then slowly I sunk and everything was blurry and then black.

Shin Ryujin

I was stuck in this hospital.Uhgggg .I hate it here the food, the smell and just everything.I came here a week ago cause my mum noticed that I wouldn't get no sleep.I don't want to spend the summer in this place uhgggg. The doctors revealed that I had a sleeping disorder.The thing is I felt tired but I didn't sleep at all.

So I had to stay in hospital .They gave me these pills I had to eat every day for a exact time and I did.Dad promised me that I'll get out of here when I get better but I don't think I am .I have insomnia which is a illness.
My brain is tired ,I look tired and dead. The doctor said when I finally get some sleep I might die but he wasn't accurate and I'm scared about that "Yah,Ryujin!" .I turned around and saw dad .He walked to me and grabbed my fore arm , "Ryu What Are you doing ,its 0:01 ,get some rest sleep"He said . "Dad ,I'm don't want to !"I said sulking .

I wanted to shout it in his face but I was in the middle of a hospital corridor and didn't want to disturb anyone.He's been bugging me sati I should sleep but I can't and he knows .

"Come on" I said  sighing.He nodded and helped me to my room in the hospital and later me on the bed.He sat on the chair by the  bed and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry when you close your  eyes and rest the pain will go away"He Said .I nodded and we said goodbye and he shut he door behind him .He slept in the spare room next to mine.It was dark but there was light from the moon coming through the window .

My head was laying on the soft pillow when I felt my eye lids slowly close and I saw darkness.

Choi Soobin

Frozen do you ever feel that.When your whole body feels numb and you can't move .Yeah that's me right now .
Underneath a tree full of snow shivering non-stop .They left me here ,they left me behind ,they didn't take one look back to see if I'm there with them and now I'm just frozen.I think it's hyperthermia or something I don't know but it's killing me every second.

It was all fun and games until they forgot about me .Was it on purpose or on accident.did they hate me that much,I must freeze here I guess.I was in charge too but they didn't know I heard them speaking about me whispering I herd everything but as being a responsible one I stayed silent,ignored them ,I didn't wanna start anything and didn't upset anyone.I just wanted to see smiles and I bet you there smiling right now .

I was hugging my knees shaking.Its soo cold that I can just move my fingers and toes .My body is like stone now.Theres no point of getting help cause I'm gonna go soon somewhere better.
I can't move anything ,not my toes or fingers ,I fell on the side.Im completely frozen now.My eyes shut and everything stopped .

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