Chapter Fifteen

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"Maybe his voice can come back. Maybe it's sleeping and it comes on and off." Quinn suggested, smiling brightly at her theory. Riley smiled a little and shifted her arms again.

"Maybe, Quinn." She murmured, adjusting her thin glasses anxiously.

Bumblebee stared at the child and smiled brightly then nodded. Raf chuckled softly and glanced at the older man. "Thank you Henry... but how did you know Bumblebee?" He asked and the doctor realized he never told him his name.

"I'm Ratchet." The old man spoke quietly as he held Skye close. Riley blinked and began sitting Quinn down.

"You're... the doctor?" She asked quietly, looking between them.

Ratchet nodded. "Yes. This is Skye, my granddaughter."

Rafael stared at him blankly as tears filled his eyes. "Ratchet..." he rasped quietly and shook his head. "Ratchet." He whispered and hugged him tightly. He choked back a sob as Skye smiled a little and stepped back for the two.

The medic blinked in surprise before smiling warmly, hugging him back. He gently pressed his wild hair down as he set a hand on his head. "Hello Rafael." He murmured softly, the old man holding him tightly.

"Why didn't you tell me who you were before?" He asked as he hugged him tightly and buried his face in him. He reminded the old bot of the small boy he once knew.

"Because I wasn't... sure of myself." Ratchet muttered. "My memory hasn't been kind to me lately." He said with a small smile as he rubbed his back gently and he held him.

He nodded in understanding and hugged him tighter before letting go. "I'll help you with that too..." he smiled slightly. "Come on... let's get you guys packed and to safety." He rasped.

Ratchet nodded a bit and began letting go. "Are you alright, Rafael?" He asked gently, worried as he looked down at him.

"Hmm? Oh yes. I'm more than alright." He said as he smiled brightly. "You guys finally came back." He grinned as tears filled his eyes and he gripped his shoulders. "We can defeat them now." He rasped.

Ratchet smiled and he gently took him by the shoulder for a moment. He then began leaving and went to go pack. Riley watched quietly and shifted, looking at them. "Would you like help with anything?"

"Yes please..." Skye whispered and Bumblebee offered to take Quinn so the girls could pack. He didn't have anything to take with him.

Riley smiled a little at him, thanking him quietly as she followed Skye to help her pack. Quinn watched them go and sat on the couch as they waited for them to finish packing.

Bumblebee looked at the child then smiled a little. Trying to help her feel better about being there. He didn't want her to be scared.

Quinn smiled back a bit, looking up at him. She looked to the hallway door as Ratchet began entering with a duffel bag that held a few things, soon Skye and Riley came to the living room as well. "Ready." Ratchet murmured.

"Ready." Skye smiled slightly and looked at him. They gathered everything and headed out after locking up.

They went to Rafael's home and entered. Riley showed the two to their rooms they could stay in. Quinn ran inside with them, giggling softly. Ratchet glanced at Rafs room, the door half open where Sari was sleeping. His expression softened and he looked away quickly.

The father didn't notice and Bumblebee looked to the room. He glanced at his friend for a moment with an unreadable expression. Bee stared at the room and saw the woman stirring a little. He silently went inside as he bit his lip. The scout smiled slightly as he walked over to his friend and sat by her side. Raf followed and gently brushed some hair out of her face. "Sari... this is Bumblebee." He said as he smiled with tears in his eyes.

I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat