M's Stripper [37]

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I was rummaging through my closet trying to find a decent outfit to wear when I hear a knock on the door. I knew who it was and that person opened the door himself without my consent. How very Zayn.

“What do you want?” I turn around.

As a answer Zayn throws some kind of coat hanger. I get up and inspect it and you could tell it came from the laundry or something like that.

“What is this?” I ask.

“Your clothes,” Zayn answers. “Hurry up.”

I hear the door slam behind me and start taking off the plastic. I get the clothes off the hanger and gape. What the hell? I am not wearing this!

“ZAYN!” I call.

“You better wear it!” Zayn barks back.

I sigh and glance at the clothes. They looked so slutty. I mean the shorts could be freaking pantie! Hell no, I as not wearing that shit. I pick up a pair of Guess skinnies and find a nice jumper, I brought it from Zara, it was worth half my salary. I strip off my clothes and quickly put the clothes I chose and put on face powder and conceal my dark circles. I scoop my hair in my hands and tie it up. I give a nod to my reflection and grab my phone and open the door.

“Stop it,” I hear Zayn growl.

Me being a curious one, I lean against a wall while Zayn speaks into his phone, glancing out through my huge window.

“No, listen….Perrie.”

Perrie. Perrie?

“You cheated on me Perrie, we are done.” Zayn calmly speaks.

My eyes go wide; of course Zayn needed someone to give his needs and it was his ex. That actually hurt me, I don’t know why, but I was feeling like such a whore. Zayn made me feel like a whore at times, I never had my princess moments with him. Wait, I never had a princess moment, I didn’t have time for that. Zayn hangs up and when he turns around his eyes go wide.


I shrug. I was going to pretend that I didn’t hear him. His eyes go over my outfit and he smiles. “Always knew you’d take the bad ass option.”

I smile a bit. “You know me well.”

Zayn nods and I noticed he changed. He was wearing a leather jacket and a casual shirt underneath rocking the look with dark jeans. Topping it off with black Nike high tops. I stare at my bare feet and walk over to the closet near the front door and wear Converse.  Zayn’s old clothes were neatly folded on the sofa and he walked towards me and smacked my ass.

“ZAYN!” I yelp in surprise.

Zayn laughs and opens the front door and exits himself. I shut the door behind me and curse Zayn.

“So,” I rock back and forth on my shoes. “Where we going?”

“Hahahahahaha,” Zayn lamely says. “Not telling.”

I blow out a loud breath and glare at Zayn. He smiles at me, his teeth dazzling smile and I had to blink. I haven’t seen him smile like this. A car honks and I jump a little. Zayn takes my hand and stuffs me inside a van and I’m starting at a bald Liam Payne.

“Your hair?!” I gape.

Liam rolls his eyes and pats his shaven head. “I know sexy right?”

He winks at me and I giggle.


Louis was all on my face, his eyes popping out his head like a blowfish. I laugh and he pulls back grinning.

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