"What the hell?" She screamed. Fortunately her phone hadn't fallen very far from her, and the light was still on. Angela crawled over to it, grabbed it, and stood up promptly. She then turned around to see just exactly what she had tripped over. To her horror, laying right in front of her, were the hollowed out fleshy remains of the old woman. What was left of the old woman was also covered in cobwebs.

With wide eyed panic, Angela began to scream in terror. As fast as her legs could carry her she ran screaming out of the building. With a quick thud, she ran into a hard chest. The person wrapped their arms her, as she began to scream and struggle in a tearfilled panic.

"Help!" She cried. "Let me go!"

"Angela!", the person shouted. "Calm down!  It's me, Scott. What happened?"  When she realized it was him, she stopped struggling, and threw her arms around him.  She then began to cry on his shoulder.

"Oh my god, Scott!", she cried, "Please tell me you called the police."

"We couldn't.", said Zoe, as the other four made their way over to her. "We couldn't get a signal. What happened in there?"

Angela slowly started hyperventilating.

"The-the old woman!" Angela Cried in a panic. "She-she's been murdered. Covered-covered in cob-cobwebs. All that's left of her is a lump of fl-flesh!"

"What?", exclaimed Scott. "I think I need to check this out for myself. He then started to walk toward the building.

"No!" Cried Angela as she grabbed him. "We need to go!  We need to find a way to call the police!  Trust me you don't want to see it."

"I knew it was a bad idea stopping here!" Cried Zoe. "But no one listen to me."

"Look, instead of playing the blame game all night." Scott began. "Why don't we just get out of here, and either find a police station, or a spot an area where we could at least call the police."

"I'm not going to argue with you." Said Cara. The six of them headed back to the car. Scott put his arm around Angela. Even though it was hot, and humid, Angela couldn't stop trembling. But it did feel kind of nice having someone hold her like that. It was times like this that she wished they were more than friends. 

As soon as the got in the car, they took off down the road. They kept looking at their phones, trying to get a signal, or looking out for a police station. Neither of these things seemed to be happening. As the car kept going down the road, Angela just sat there quietly, staring out the car window. It was almost nightfall, as there seemed to be a collective feeling of fear in the car. No one said a word, as Bobby just kept driving.

Then, all of a sudden, bang!  A tire had exploded, and they began to swerve along the road. It was obvious that Bobby was doing all he could to keep the car from getting into an accident. Everyone else was screaming in a panic, as he eventually regained control of the car.  As soon as he did, he pulled over to the side of the road.

"Well for fuck sakes!"  Cara cried. "This has just been the shit cherry, on the shit sundae, known as today!"

"Is everyone alright?"asked Bobby with a startled look on his face.

"W-where fine." Alan replied. "Does anyone know how to change a tire on a car?  We're still not getting a phone signal, it's not like we can call an automobile club."

"I can."said Scott.

"Great." said Bobby. "Guess you're our volunteer.

"Well it's going to be lot easier to use a jack on an empt car." Said Scott. "So it would be best if we all get out."

With that the six of them exited the car. Scott opened the trunk, and took out the jack.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Asked Cara.

"Please." Said Scott. "My first job was at a service station. I could do this in my sleep."  He walked around the car, and found the flat tire on the rear passengers side. He then put the jack together, and began to crank the lever. The back end of the car soon lifted off of the ground.

He then took the tire iron, and began to loosen the bolts. It was at that moment when Bobby delivered the bad news.

"Uh, guys, we have a problem." He said.

"What now?" Whined Zoe.

"Well it seemed that the place where the spare tire goes, is empty." He replied.

"Dammit!" Cried Cara. "I knew we shouldn't have gone with the cheap company. Cara, Alan, Bobby, and Zoe argued amongst themselves. Still in shock Angela remained stoic, and continued to say nothing. Not knowing what else to do, Scott began to remove the damaged tire from the car. That's when he noticed it felt strange.

"Guys! Shut up!", he yelled. "I need a flashlight!  This tire feels strange for some reason, I need to check it out!"

Bobby went to the glove compartment, and found an emergency flashlight. Well the rental car agency at least gave them this. He grabbed it and handed it to Scott.  Scoot who was now laying on the ground, turned it on, and looked at the tire as well as under the vehicle.

"What the hell?" He cried.

"What is it?", asked Alan.

"The tire," he began. "The entire undercarriage, they're all covered in cobwebs!"

Is this what caused the flat?  He wondered.

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