when he wants a baby - taehyung oneshot

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so here is a new oneshot !!

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taehyung's pov:

after practising all morning long, i looked forward to coming home to my wife of two years, melanie.

what i did not expect was little feet running around my house.

"i'll catch you!" jason yelled and giggled

"you're so close! but you will never get me" i hear mel shout back from the kitchen as her 4-year-old nephew runs around the kitchen table.

my heart warms in a way it hasn't, and a smile grows across my face.

i throw my bag on the ground and jog towards the kitchen, running straight to mel, she yelps as i capture her in a hug.

"i caught you!" jason victoriously yells, latching onto her leg.

"i caught you too" i whisper into her ear, leaning to give her a kiss

"ugh... you're so weird." jason muttered, walking away from mel and i, then sitting himself down onto the couch to play on his ipad. 

"my brother dropped him off this morning in a rush, her babysitter called in sick early this morning and she had to go work so i offered to take him. i didn't really think you'd mind..." she spoke.

still holding her, i hug her even tighter, "i'll never mind children."

she giggles and hugs me tighter.

time skip-

i sigh, letting out a heavy and deep breath as my head hits the pillows. my entire body relaxes into the bed as i close my eyes.

i feel mel move around next to me, eyes on her book

i take my chance moving over to her and cuddle into her , resting my head on her chest and a leg over hers.

she lightly smiles, kissing my forehead, "hi taehyungie"

"melaniee~" i whine, digging my face into her neck, covering it with kisses,


i want to have this conversation more than anything but i suddenly become flustered, my mind becoming a jumbled mess of what to say or do to try and convince her.

"taehyung?" i lift my head to meet her eyes.

it becomes clearer, w/ red cheeks i ask, "melanie... can we have a child of our own?"

almost if i was speaking in a foreign language, her whole reaction was delayed 

"jason is so cute~! and he adores you mel. you're fantastic with kids and we've been married for two years." i added some aegyo, hoping it'll add to my argument.

"how can you want a baby when you still act like one?" she giggles, ruffles my hair

i smile and grab her hand, holding it close to me.

"babies are so cute too, they're so small. their tiny hands can hardly wrap around your finger, they babble nonsense just because they can," i could go on forever, before melanie's lack of words.

"i-i'm sorry, i shouldn't of asked so suddenly-"

"no you're fine." she takes my hand into hers, "i know how much you love kids, i guess with all our work, i just forgot how many more things we haven't done yet."

i smile, rubbing her leg, "we can do everything you've ever wanted to do"

she looks at me, brightly, "promise?"


she let out a sigh, "fine then, i guess a baby is okay." slowly smiling she glances to me

i pull her to sit up, before throwing her into my arms, hugging her with all my strength. which i'm sure is probably hurting herb but i can't contain myself.

"yeah taehyungie. you're right. we'd be amazing parents. i want a little us running around here, and jason told me his parents keep telling him to wait when he asks to asks for a brother." she lightly laughs.

"well then, let's give him a cousin." i smirk, pinning her onto the bed.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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