Chapter 5

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Angela's POV

It's been a week since I've been here, and Ash thought it wise to try and keep my company all the time. Sunday was the last day of freedom. "Ash, darling, you need to spend time with your friends, get a bit out of the house. I'll be fine, I promise.

"He looked at me doubtfully, before giving in with a sigh and said, "Fine, I'll go. Just do anything stupid while I'm gone." I rolled my eyes at him, before giving him a quick hug and shooing him out of the house. I smiled, grabbed my gaming controller and clicked on Fortnite.

I know I'm seventeen years old, but this game never gets old, and I love it.

Ashton's POV

The door closed behind me and I sighed. I took a stroll down the street and stopped in front of Cole and Charles place. Ed lived right next door to them. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, only to be greeted my Cole a second later.

"Sup dude, what brings you back to the fuck cave?" I chuckled and answered, "Angel kinda kicked me out, man. Where's Ed and Chuck?" He laughed and said, "They're probs next door, fucking each other."

Oh shit, that reminded me that Angela told me to tell her where the gays were at. I faceplamed. Cole pulled me in and asked casually, "So how is Angela, by the way?" I narrowed my eyes at him, because usually when he asked something like that, he usually just wanted to fuck the girl.

"What is it too you? Cole, I'm only going to say this once, so listen very carefully to me. She's not going to be one of your fuck buddies." he looked at me like he had no clue what I was talking about and said, "Dude I was only asking." I glared at him one last time, before storming out of the house.

Angela's POV

I was starting to get hungry, so I strolled over to the kitchen and started making dinner. I filled up one of the pots with water and threw the spaghetti sticks into it.

I was busy with the mince when I felt arms slither around my waist. I didn't know who it was, so I went full protective mode. I stepped on the person's foot, hard, elbowed him in the stomach, and when he folded over in pain, brought my fist up to his nose, punching it and to end I punched him in the groin.

I felt whoever it was crumple away from me, and the person let out a groan. I turned around to see who my attacker was and saw Ash crumpled up on the floor. I gasped in shock and said, "Holy shit, I am so sorry, I thought... Fuck it doesn't matter what I thought, I'm so fucking stupid..."

I rambled on and on, until I suddenly felt Ash's lips on mine. I froze for a few seconds, but relaxed and kissed him back. He softly bit my lip, asking for entrance and I gladly granted it to him. His tongue tangled with mine, and I savored his taste in my mouth, moaning in ecstasy.

All to soon he pulled back and I pouted at him. He chuckled lowly. He stood up and pulled me up with him. I still pouted at him, when I heard the water of the spaghetti boiling over. I took the lid off and stirred it. Ash's arms sircled my waist once again and I tried hard not to smile, while he peeked over my shoulder.

"Be mine..." he suddenly whispered in my ear with confidence. I laughed and he quickly spinned me around to look at him and when I saw that he was serious, my laughter died away. "B.. Be w... w.. with" I asked stuttering. Since when do I stutter? He nodded his head slowly. "Can we come to a compromise?" I asked. "Sure." he answered simply.

"Give me a month. Let me get to know you better. I mean we can be in a kind of relationship. Just give me a month to decide. The bright side is that there's only three weeks left." he nodded his head and leaned down, softly giving me a peck on the lips. "Thanks for giving me a change." I smiled up at him.

I suddenly frowned at him and said, "You should stop giving me such short kisses." I pouted at him and he laughed hard. I turned back to the spaghetti and scooped it up and placed it into two plates. Ash got the forks before handing me both bowls, with forks in and scooping me up and carrying me to the couch.

I smiled when he flopped down on tot he couch and took his bowl from me, digging in. I stole one last glance at him before digging into my food.
Heya loves
Yay, I finished this chapter. It's kinda tiring, but I will do it for you guys. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and please comment down below if you have any ideas how I could improve it and please drop a like down below. I love you guys so, so much. <3
Love Alex

My First and Last Teaching Job (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang