Broken glass (chapter 24 *part 2*)

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Treasures P.O.V.
I had got up and answered the door and guess who it was, my brother!
Treasure: Ronnie! *complete shock*
Ronnie (Ronnie banks): hey baby sis!
Treasure: *walks outside and closes the door* what are you doing here?
Ronnie: I came to see you!
Treasure: sure you did! Where's mom?
Ronnie: 2 more years. *looks down*
Treasure: how?
I really wanted to cry but I held my tears.
Ronnie: I'm sorry!
Treasure: *bends down and starts rubbing her knees*
Ronnie: can I come in?
Treasure: I guess *starts to walk through the door and hears a crash or a brooking of glass type of sound*
Kaolin: STOPP!!
Jayden: NAHH he wanna be a man! Ima show him a man!
I started running to the kitchen. When I made it to the kitchen Jayden had Traton on the now broken glass table with a gun to Tratons head!
Jayden: Don't Tempt me!!
Traton: DO IT!
Kaolin: please Jayden please *in tears*
Payton: *hold kaolin back*
Treasure: what's going on! Jayden are you crazy!
Jayden: so I'm crazy now!
Treasure: Yesssss *echoes across the room*
Ronnie: *walks in* what's-
Jayden: *turns around with the gun in his hand* *BANG, the gun went off*
To Be Continued........

High SchoolDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora