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“But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time . . . maybe nobody gets saved.” You softly said, rubbing his arm.

“I know and I'm sorry.” Steve said, looking at you.

“Come here. I'll give you a hug.” You said, smiling at him.

He took at step forward and hugs you, “You don't know how much I need this right now. Thank you, (Y/N).” He said and sighs in contentment.

“Anything for my Stevie boi.” You said.

Steve laughs, “I'll never get used to your nicknames for me.”

Little you didn't know someone is watching two of you, and Pietro saw him when he pass by. He sped to where you and Steve where standing. “Aw. Looking happy mum and dad?” He joked.

You look at him and rolls your eyes, “Shut it, P. You're making Steve blush!” you joked too.

While you and Pietro where laughing, Steve can't stop himself from blushing.
“What are you doing?”

Tony almost had an heart attack when he heard Nat’s voice behind him, “No-Nothing.”

The red head raises her eyebrows, “Really?”

Tony sighs and scratch his head, “Okay, okay. You got me. I'm- I'm just watching Steve and (Y/N). I was just walking and heard them, I don't want to interrupt th-” He said, trying to explain his side but Nat doesn't seem to care, “Okay.” She said, then walk towards you, Steve and Pietro leaving Tony.

Tony sighs and starts walking where he came, “I need to talk to her.” He said to himself.

Hearing your voice was enough to make his day, but he needs more than that. He needs you back.

A month after…

“Where's Tony?” you ask Pietro when you noticed that Tony is nowhere to be seen. Tony has been bothering you for about a month now, popping out from nowhere and begging you to talk to him.

He really want you to come back and you know that. He's mess without you, but you're partly afraid that he'll do it again if you give him his second chance that fast.

The kid shrug, “I don't know.”

“Okay.” You said, feeling disappointed?

“Why don't you give him a chance? I always watch him and he seems lonely. Even though I still don't like him, I know he's a good man.” Pietro said, clinging his arm on your shoulder.

“It's not that easy, P.” you said, feeling a little bit sad.

“If you don't want then I'll set you and Cap on a date.” He said, chuckling at his idea.

You look at him and pinch his cheeks, “You know what, call Wanda and let's pizza.”

Pietro’s smile widened and nodded like a three year old child. You shook your head and chuckled, “Kids.”

I wonder what it feels
if I go on a date with Steve.

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