David // Hero

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Requested by KiwiNinja412
Wow that's the first time it let me @ someone lmfao.

My hands played with the wires in the generator. It slowly sparked to life and the killer was no where to be seen. All my recent matches have been so stale... They were either too easy or everyone was just getting killed instantly. As I sighed I saw the grass moving beside me. The infamous David King stepped out from the corner and smirked and he saw me.

"Well what do we have here? Doing this gen all by yourself?"

"Yep." I replied boredly. Do you happen to know who the killer is?"

David shook his head in response and crouched down beside me, "if he comes around I'll get him off of ya." My cheeks heated up and I wasn't able to piece together a sentence. He sounded different saying that- more... Sincere? The gen was about 90% when my heart started to pound in my ears.

"Run off that way, I'll take him." He pushed himself up and peeked around. His face lit up when he saw "Michael... Someone must have fed 'im."

I decided to follow his directions once Michael got closer. Unfortunately I walked into him. Michael raised his knife to strike me, but David pulled me out of the way and we both took off running. I looked down at our intertwined fingers before whipping my head back to Michael. He growled and furiously stomped towards us.

"We need to split up!" David barked breathlessly. I nodded and looked around for a jungle gym or a pallet. I spotted one and smiled to him before reluctantly peeling away. Of course Michael continued to chase me. My eyes met with David's for a split second. His eyes were wide and he looked like a deer in headlights. I saw a flash of anger across his features and he started to run between Michael and I.

"You're not getting away from me, little mouse." Michael chuckled darkly and started to gain on me. He was close enough to grab me so what was he waiting for? Oh no-

"Y/n look out! He's gonna-"

David's warning was too late. I could practically feel the devilish smirk from Michael as he popped his tier 3. He swung his arm down and slashed my back. I screamed in pain feeling the cold metal cut through my skin. Blood poured out of the wound as I collapsed on the floor. My body was paralyzed and my head was spinning. I stifled a cry as Michael's rough hands pressed against my wound when he picked me up.

Through my watered eyes I could see David watching. He carefully followed us and made sure to make little to no noise. He dove behind cover as Michael threw me on a hook. My screams echoed around the map. The burning in my shoulder only increased as the entity started to come up. Once Michael was gone, David pulled me off the hook, grunting out an apology as he did so.

The sound of the last generator being fixed made hope swell in my heart.

"T-there's a gate nearby. Over there." I pointed past the trees and it blinked red. Someone was already opening it. David bent down in a strange position in front of me. I raised and eyebrow and before I could ask he craned his neck to me with a playful smirk.

"Hop on, you're going for a ride."

I smiled at him and secured myself on his back. His scent was all I focused on- and his muscles too. How could I forget about that? David jogged over to the gate and I lightly bounced on his back. My inner thighs started to burn and ache from all this moving around. My attention was focused on something else. His grip on my leg tightened as our hearts began to race once more.

"Hurry! He's almost here." Claudette urged. She readied her flashlight and let us pass through. As Michael emerged, a beam of light shined in his face. He grunted in annoyance and rose his arm for cover. Claudette snickered and ran after us through the gate.

~at the campfire~

"Aaaand done." Claudette gave me a sweet smile and gently rested her hand on my shoulder. "that was an awful cut you had there. You and David must have done something to get him really angry." She giggled lightly.

"Haha yeah. I guess getting the job done with a teammate really riles him up." I half joked with a scoff. David emerged from behind a tree and sat down next to me. Claudette was already gone to join the others for dinner.

"Feelin' okay?" David asked with an arched brow. I nodded and looked down to avoid his piercing gaze.

"If not for you I would have been dead. Thank you..." I muttered.

"Hmm? Sorry? What'd you say? I-I don't think I got that-"

"Thanks for saving me you big dummy." I said louder but looking him in the eye this time. He chuckled and a genuine smile played on his lips.

"I'd save you anytime and anywhere, cutie."

I blushed and the look on my face must have been hilarious because David burst out into laughter. I burned in embarrassment and stared down at my feet. He finally collected himself and stood up.

"I meant what I said." His voice was low and husky. It definitely caught my attention. As I looked up he planted a quick kiss on my lips. "Good night, Y/n." David said as he walked off to his tent.

"G-good night!"

Eyyyy this was v coot :) sorry for the slow updates. I haven't played dbd for a month till today so I finally felt motivated to write. I got a ton of requests so if you requested something don't worry! I've written everyone's down along with their username 💖

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