An unexpected guest

Start from the beginning

   "You decided to cut your hair." Sasuke commented.

   "Yeah, I like my hair short. It was weird waking up to long hair." Sakura said.

   They then decided to wake up Naruto. Of course he was a deep sleeper so yelling at him wouldn't work. Sakura suggested her punching him, but Hinata said no to that idea. Therefore Sasuke suggested mildly shocking him. Knowing this was probably the least harmful suggestion she they were gonna come up with she agreed.

   "Agh! What the heck Sasuke!" Naruto cried out.

   "Would you have rather Sakura punch you?" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

   "Thank you." Naruto thanked.

   "What did you need to meet with us for?" Sasuke asked.

   "Several things. I need to know how much power you guys have and we need to discuss if we should change anything. If we're back in time we might as well change a few things for the better." Naruto said.

"My Byakugan is almost as good as it was when we were 16, but not as good as I would like. I can mask my chakra and can probably walk on water and trees now. I might be able to silence my footsteps." Hinata said.

"I can punch a rock and shatter it. I can heal a deep wound, and and walk on water and trees. I can mask some of my chakra." Sakura explained.

"I have my sharingan and mangekyou sharingan. I can use chidori about two times a day and can mask most of my chakra. I can also walk on water and trees." Sasuke said.

   "I'm guessing none of you had time to actually test it out. You're only going off of how much chakra you have, am I right?" Naruto figured. "Well maybe your eyes."

   "Hai." They all nodded.

   "We'll test our abilities later. I don't know when, but Luna's looking for entertainment. She'll probably give us an opportunity to fight and test our abilities. It would be more entertaining that way for her." Naruto stated.

   The rest of them weren't sure, but Hinata had faith in her husband. Sasuke and Sakura had faith in their Hokage. All of them trusted Naruto and his decision. If Naruto thought this then they would too.

   "What is it do you guys want to change in this time?" Naruto asked.

"Should we really change anything? What if we change something and it affects the timeline too much?" Hinata asked.

"When Luna turned me into a tree, she was the only person I could talk to. In that time I learned a few things about her. She's kind of a perfectionist and has watched our lives since we were 13. She knows a lot about us. She also loves how our lives turned. She wouldn't change anything that would really put us in danger or change the timeline too much. If we end up screwing it up she'll fix it. She'll erase memories if need be." Naruto explained.

"Do you trust her?" Sasuke asked.

"I do." Naruto nodded.

"Then so do we." Hinata smiled.


The day was soon coming to the end and the only sensei's that had yet to come was Kurenai, Asuma and Kakashi.

It wasn't long before Asuma and Kurenai came. As soon as their teams got up to leave a bolt of lightning struck the building. With that bolt of lightning came two people. Luna and an adult Shikamaru. In an instant the jonin got out their weapons and into a defensive position.

"Was the lightning really necessary?" Adult Shikamaru questioned.

"Hey! Why does Shikamaru get his adult body and we got stuck with our kid bodies?!" Naruto yelled.

"Because I miscalculated. You see, I forgot the little fact that you can't have two souls in one body. Even if they come from the same person a soul changes a bit, making them different. Right now you guys are subconsciously fighting your past selves for control. In another week or so one of you would win. If your younger version won you would die, but if you, the older version won, you would cease to exist. So you see, it's kinda a lose lose situation." Luna explained.

"What's going on? Explain yourself." Kurenai glared at Naruto, Luna and old Shikamaru.

Luna snapped her finger and the time travelers split into two. One was their past selves who was knocked out during the split, and the other was the older version of themselves who had a headache.

"Get it now?" Luna asked.

"You guys are from the future." Young Shikamaru stated his eyes wide.

"I see you're as sharp as ever." Luna smirked.

"If you guys are really from the future tell us something that will make us believe you." Kurenai said after she tried to see if it was a gen jutsu.

   "I don't really know what they could say to prove they are from the future, but I can show you." Luna gave a mischievous grin. Everyone in the room gulped.

   Within a second they were in the future. They were standing on a cliff that had a good view of the village and the Hokage monument. Once they got a good look and noticed there were seven heads on the monument they were sent back to the time they just came from.

"I don't remember time traveling being this sickening." Naruto resisted the urge to vomit.

"It wasn't. Usually you have a stopping point that you go to before you go to the other time period. This time however, I didn't which gave you guys the sickening feeling you have right now." Luna explained.

   "Why couldn't you have stopped us at the stopping point?" Sakura asked cradling her stomach.

   "Well what's the fun in that?" Luna asked.

"So you guys really are from the future." Kurenai commented.

   "How does Kakashi become sixth Hokage? And Tsunade? She left the village and swore to never come back." Asuma said.

   "It's a long story." Naruto sighed.

   "Ok, so I'm going to leave now, but I'm going to put you three back in your old bodies." Luna pointed at team seven.

   "Why if it's going to kill us?" Sakura asked.

   "You have a week before you die, and I'm going to separate you at the end of tomorrow. I just want to see the fight with Kakashi when you have the experience and knowledge that you do in the future combined with your power you got from time traveling. I'm curious to see how well you adapt to change." Luna explained. "I'll be telling Kakashi all of what you know. Not at first because I want to see what his reaction will be once he realizes you guys have changed. So don't tell him you're from the future."

   "This is such a drag." Young Shikamaru sighed.

   "You're going to be dramatic with you're entrance again aren't you." It was more of a statement than a question.


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