"All I wanted to say Taemin is that I wont work for you anymore along with I wont be seeing you anymore"

Those were the last words Jimin said as he walked away


"There is no use Taemin" Mark said putting the food on the table

"You little brat!"

"You ruined my chances being with Jimin!!!"

Mark laughed but Taemin was mad

"Chances?! You would never be with Jimin cause he already has guys with him"

"His daddies remember?"

Taemin was mad and didnt like what Mark was saying

"I dont care about those guys! I want Jimin and I can get whatever I want!!!"

Taemin stomped angrily into his room and slammed the door behind him

"Geez, what has gotten into him"

Mark sat down at the dinner table then started to eat.

"I should call Jackson and tell him about this situation "

          Calling Jackson...

Jackson: Hello? Mark?

Mark: Hey buddy!

Jackson: What did you do this time Mark?

Mark: What?! I did nothing

Mark: You guys always think I did something wrong

Jackson:Cause you always do

Mark: Anyway, I called because it has something to do with Jimin


Mark: Woah buddy. I didnt do anything to Jimin. Calm down

Jackson: So what about Jimin then?

Mark: So I dont know how but this guy who owns a huge company got attached to Jimin and wants him

Jackson: What company?

Mark: Taemins company

Jackson: This was your fault, wasnt it Mark!

Mark: Maybe but that's not the point

Mark: I told Taemin about Jimins daddy problems and told him not to interfere. But he insists on taking Jimin no matter what. So thats a problem

Jackson: ...

Mark: hello?

Jackson: You're dead when I see you again

Mark: Haha, whatever Jackson

Mark: Oh yeah. Jimin came over to Taemins place a while ago to tell him that he wont be working or seeing Taemin ever again

Jackson: He knows where Taemin lives?

Mark: Of course. Taemin brought him home with him because he was hurt from a fight at work with Jungkook? I think that was his name

Jackson: Did he stay the night with him?

Mark: Well I dont know about other times but he didnt after the fight cause I went over to see Taemin and Jimin told me to watch him while he goes back home

Jackson: Wait, how do you know where Taemin lives?

Mark: Oh no! I am breaking up signal! Gotta go!

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