Chapter 16: Off-time

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Jiku:" That explains why both of them are in my hotel at the moment."

Sirzechs:" You have a hotel?"

Jiku:" I needed a place for me and my peerage to stay and a way to earn my own money since I don't want to be dependent on yours."

They have been walking for a while now and cross paths with Serafall, who has lost Sona.

Serafall:" Buhu, Sona has managed to shake me off."

Jiku:" I will take care of Serafall."

Sirzechs:" I will look for Rias."

Jiku takes Serafall to his hotel, where she immediately fawns over the youngest elves, Gladwen and Firieth, as well as Neo.

Serafall:" They are so cute! Like stuffed animals!"

She is hugging the young elves since Neo has been hiding from the female maou. Melanie and Miltiades have had Serafalls attention already until she was told that they take care of the bar without being part of Jikus peerage.

Jiku:" The latest addition to my peerage is sleeping at the moment."

Serafall:" Why?"

Jiku:" Let's say there was a little complication with her and as such I had to put h er under a spell to ensure she doesn't feel the pain."

Serafall:" So the piece she got has begun changing her?"

Jiku:" Yes but that is my fault since it was my power within the piece that caused the change."

Serafall:" But you didn't know that it would happen right?"

She has let go of the elves and is now getting closer and closer to Jiku, who is trying to get further away from her, obviously it doesn't work very well."

Jiku:" No I didn't, but that doesn't excuse me from it."

Serafall:" Huh, then..."

She jumps onto Jiku and manages to throw him to the ground this time, hugging him very tightly.

Serafall:" I will hug you until you stop blaming yourself!"

Jiku looks at her and simply takes her by the neck of her top and prys her of himself.

Jiku:" *holding Serafall without her feet touching the ground* If I stop blaming myself will you stop trying to hug me?"

Serafall:" For that, yes."

Jiku:" I mean over all."

Serafall:" No."

Jiku:" I will hang you at the highest point in the lobby until you don't want to hug me anymore."

Serafall:" No you won't, you aren't a meanie."

Jiku sighs and sets her back onto the ground, she is right he could never do that to her, not when she looks at him with her big puppy dog eyes.

Jiku:" Sera, don't you have a meeting to prepare for?"

She places and nervously laughs, before disappearing in a teleportation circle.

Melascula:" I thought that someone with the title of a maou would be far more frightening."

Jiku:" I am not even sure if I would consider any of them as adults most of the time. How is Milim?"

Melascula:" So far it seems that she is getting better, if her talking about tasty food in her sleep is a good sign."

Jiku:" It is. Geld."

The orc immediately makes his appearance in the lobby and looks at Jiku.

Jiku:" Make sure that our guests don't go into our quarters or into the basement."

Maria:" Why not the basement? There is nothing but the boilers and a generator for the whole hotel, although I still have no idea how such a small generator can provide enough energy for the whole building."

Jiku:" For that, it is because I want it to, but I don't want them in the basement since I want to try something and I need the basement not to be entered by anyone, so you can see that as an order not to go into the basement as long as I don't tell you to."

Maria and Melascula give and alright, the twins and elves just say okay and Neo, who reappeard behind Jiku, gives a mocking salute.

Jiku:" When is Asia coming by again?"

Melascula:" Today, after school."

Jiku:" I hope that she doesn't bring the whole group. If something happens, Maria you have my allowance to enter the basement, but only if it is important."

She nods and as Jiku goes down into the basement everyone else gets back to their work, while the day goes on. In the evening Asia arrives but unknown to her she is followed by the rest of Rias peerage, they want to know what she has been doing after school since she didn't have time for three days now. Since she isn't a guest she uses the same entrance as Melanie and Miltia, so she knocks and the door is opened by one of the elves, which sends Issei into a fantasy of him surrounded by beautiful elves that fulfill his every desire.

Inside Asia is sitting in Neos room again, this time with Melascula, since she was curious about Asias healing powers and while they are in the room together Maria is in the lobby while humuncolies are doing their work cleaning and two of them are behind the counter, as Rias with her peerage enter through the guest entrance.

Humuncolos:" Welcome to the Drakonis hotel. How can we serve you?"

Rias:" I want my bishop Asia Argento back."

Humuncolos:" We have no guest of that name here."

Issei:" Listen here, we have seen how she entered this building through a small entrance on the side and now we want to know what she is doing here!"

Humuncolos:" She came through the staff entrance and as such we aren't allowed to know her reason for being here."

Maria has been watching this and decides to intervene.

Maria:" Listen, what she is doing here is her own thing so why don't you just leave?"

Rias:" And who are you supposed to be?"

Maria:" *eyes glow silver* The person that will ha e to throw you out if you cause a scene."

Issei:" I will gladly let you come into the pleasure of being in my presence but first I want to have Asia back."

Jiku:" And who said she isn't here on her own free will?"

He is standing next to Asia, Melascula and Neo.

Jiku:" Now then. Asia I thank you for what you have done for Neo and I hope that we can have friendly connection."

Asia:" Yes I hope so too."

Jiku:" *whispers* And if you ever need some time off the pervert you can come here."

Asia:" Thank you for the offer."

Neo:" *stands in front of Asia before hugging her* Thank you."

Her voice is not very loud, which comes from the fact that it wasn't used very much, but it is sweet and light and makes listening to it very enjoyable.

Jiku:" Now, leave. I have some things to do and I can't need any of you here."

With those words Rias peerage is thrown out and Jiku gets back to work in the basement.

Jiku:" I have to finish this before I go to another world again."
Chapter done and for the curios of you, you will have to wait and see what Jiku is doing in the basement. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time I wish you all a good day or night wherever you are.

The Dragon God of DxD (Rewrite) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant