C58. A Small and Narrow Carriage

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Yuwen Tong gazed at Ling Zhang for a while. Right at the instant when Ling Zhang couldn't help but feel uneasy beneath his gaze, Yuwen Tong said, "This carriage is sure to be spotted when we pass by the station of Prefecture Guard. There's a high risk that my identity will be exposed if I follow you on horseback."

Ling Zhang's brow corrugated in a brief frown. Indeed, Yuwen Tong couldn't afford to be exposed, given the circumstances. Though eager to have him get off the carriage, Ling Zhang forbore from doing so eventually and bade the driver depart. "Let's go." The driver raised his horsewhip, gave an order to the wheelers and the carriage started moving.  Click the external link to unlock the whole chapter 58 - A Small and Narrow Carriage.

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