Chapter Two. Running Water.

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Lexi had walked Lily to her house.
"But I don't want you walking home alone."
"Don't worry, I have some things to do anyway."
Lily tried not to stare at her lips as she spoke, it was just that she subconsciously licked them every few words, and Lily could feel her face turn redder every time.

Lily had ran straight to her bedroom when she was home, locking the door. She texted Nathan a quick note to let him know that she was home safe, not wanting him to worry.
She opened up her bathroom door and turned the water on, waiting for it to heat up before stepping in.
She washed her hair with her usual shampoo, Honey I washed the kids, from lush. And Aussie conditioner. She ran soap over her body, loving the sweet scent of it. Her thoughts wander to Lexi, and if she used the shower head for something other than washing herself, no one had to know.

"Hey, I'm sorry for earlier, if you say there's nothing going on, I believe you." Nathan said, when she ran into him in the kitchen. She tried to stay in her room for as long as possible, but she couldn't ignore her hunger anymore. Her heart raced, hating any sort of disagreement. Nathan ran his hands through his messy brown hair, anticipating Lily's answer.
"T-thanks. I'm sorry too, in case I worried you." she said.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have yelled at you, but never get out of my car like that again, you're lucky I didn't follow you." he said.
Lily nodded.
Nathan cursed at himself for coming off controlling again. "I just don't like the thought of my little sister walking home alone." he said.
"I wasn't alone." Lily froze, regretting her words.
"Oh?" Nathan attempted to raise an eyebrow, making Lily laugh.
"I ran into a friend."
"Really, if it was just a friend then why are you blushing?" he teased.
"She is!" Lily's eyes widened, realizing she just let him know that the person he thought she was dating was a girl.
Before he can say anything Lily interrupts, "I have a ton of homework, talk later." she said, running up the stairs, forgetting her bowl of strawberries.
'That was weird.' Nathan thinks.

yes to heavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora